Chapter 08

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"What's Megan doing talking to Mickey?" Lip worried as he and Ian looked down from the window in their room.

"Shit, that's not good" Ian sighed with worry for me.

"You lied!" Mickey accused harshly when he spotted Ian and Lip in the window.

"Shit" I sighed under my breath, slowly turning to face the trio.

"So, Ian messed with Mandy." Mickey started calmly.

"Ian?" I turned fully, playing dumb in hopes they would leave me alone.


"Well, that's, uh... that's highly unlikely." I furrowed my brows in mock confusion.

"That's what Mandy told us"

"Well, trust me, you got the wrong guy." 

"Right. The problem is that Ian's been avoiding us all day, and, uh, someone's got to get a beat-down till we find him. Since you lied to us, why not take a beat-down for your friend"

"Could make an exception." I stated.

"Not really, though." Mickey shook his head slightly.

"Alright then" I nodded calmly, dropping my bag on the doorstep and walking down into the street. Mickey swung his baseball bat at me, hitting me in the kidney and watching with a grin as I doubled over in pain. After the first hit he and his brothers continued to beat me down, stomping on me and kicking me harshly. I managed to slowly pull myself away, crawling in pain. You didn't live on the south side if you couldn't take a beating.

"Aw, she's trying to get away, '' Mickey taunted. "That's right, run and leave us to beat up Ian next time" He called as I slowly wobbled to my feet. I snapped to full focus, taking in his words seriously.

"Until the end" I nodded to myself, deciding the course of action I would take. I turned carefully, slowly limping towards the brothers who were laughing, focused on the window where Ian and Lip had been watching. The two boys disappeared and Mickey noticed me coming from the side.

"Look boys, she's coming back for round two" Mickey laughed, nudging one of his brothers and temporarily taking his focus off the incoming danger. I swiftly took this chance to punch him square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground and stealing their bat. "Shit" Mickey groaned out. "Don't just stand there, Get her!" He shouted out.

Slowly stepping backwards  I held the bat out in front of me, keeping the distance between me and them. The door to the house opened as I reached the steps, using the rest of my strength to run up and grab my bag. Lip quickly pulled me inside, me resting my back against the door with a sigh, catching my breath again. Mickey pounded on the other side of the door, demanding we go out so he could beat us up.

"You alright?" Lip questioned, hand on my shoulder as I had my eyes closed, head resting back on the door.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm good" I nodded, pushing myself off of the door to stand properly.

"Sorry your face got busted up." Ian apologized from a few feet away, carefully noticing the cut on my forehead from when I hit the pavement.

"It's okay." I shrugged, not even noticing it was there from the surging pain of exhaustion in the rest of my body. "I'm gonna go clean this up" I pointed towards the stairs as I walked up, leaving the two brothers alone to go back to their room and hide.

"I didn't do anything to Mandy." Ian claimed with frustration and annoyance over the whole fiasco.

"I know that, Ian, but her brothers think you did." Lip replied, sitting back on Carl's bed.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz