Chapter 80

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Our first stop was to the Milkovich house to drop Riley off with her uncle Mickey for the day, allowing me to take care of Ian.

"You know, you don't have to do this" Ian reminded when the two of us sat in the waiting room together.

"I'm gonna be right by your side, until the end" I reminded, squeezing his hand.

"Until the end" he mumbled to himself.

"Okay, we'll start you on lithium." The doctor brought out a packet of the pills to Ian and I who were sitting in her office.

"Okay. How often does he take it?" I asked, taking them from her.

"Twice a day." She answered, turning to Ian next. "If the lithium's not optimal, we can try Divalproex or Tegretol."

"Try? You shooting in the dark here?" I asked protectively.

"There's no magic bullet when it comes to medication. One size doesn't fit all. It takes a little experimentation." She reminded calmly as I sat uncomfortably, moving my leg up and down as Ian gently set his hand on my leg to reassure me.

"We'll work to find the right drugs and dose. I'm giving you Olanzapine for the paranoia. No more people trying to bust in the house and get you." She handed Ian another packet of pills.

"It felt real at the time." Ian claimed sadly, looking at the small box.

"That's the disease." She replied while I watched Ian carefully, setting my hand on top of his own. "Okay, we encourage you to make a list of people to call if you feel like you might hurt yourself."

"Like a suicide list?" I questioned her.

"If the meds are supposed to work, why would I need a suicide list?" Ian turned to ask her.

"You don't. He's got me." I told the woman.

"Come back in a few days, and we'll see how you're responding. Okay? Ian, you have any questions?" She wondered as she turned back to us both, Ian standing from his chair, ready to leave.

"Uh, yeah, um, how long do I need to take these for?" He held up the boxes.

"There is some evidence that in time the need for aggressive treatment diminishes."

"How much time?" He wondered.

"Hard to say." She shrugged back at him.

"Ballpark." Ian told her.

"Uh, 30, 40 years." She said as Ian's face fell and I knew this would be a problem if not now then in the future.

"Alright, let's get you home, Gallagher" I stood up as well. "Thanks" I nodded to the doctor who nodded back.

"Hey, Ian's sleeping in there." I stepped out of the boys room to scold Fiona, both Ian and Riley asleep while she was loudly throwing stuff down from the attic.

"Sorry. I was just getting some of Lip's old clothes for Carl. I gotta wash them." She explained, grabbing the box and handing it to me as she stepped down the ladder carefully.

"He's been out most of the afternoon, sleeps longer than Riley." I said.

"Meds?" Fiona asked me in a hushed tone, keeping it quiet for them.

"Bombs away." I looked back at him. "Hey, need some help?" I asked her, needing to distance myself from hovering Ian.

"You know how to use an iron?" Fiona asked. I nodded in reply, following her downstairs to help.


"Hi. Baby, what happened?" Sammi worried with a wave to her son as he entered the courtroom. The Gallagher group all took our seats to wait to hear Carls fate.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now