Chapter 45

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Mickey had followed Ian after work, standing across the street drinking his beer as Ned and Ian met up at a bar. He waited until they walked out about an hour later, laughing and joking together. Something about this unsettled Mickey as he watched how close the duo actually was, not just friends.

"Did that fatty actually cop a feel?" Lishman asked as they walked out of the bar together.

"He totally copped a feel." Ian laughed as they crossed the street.

"You got to be kidding me. I mean, what's up with that?" Lishman came to a stop as Mickey stood in front of them both.

"Shit, Mickey. What the hell you doing here?" Ian asked, trying to play it cool.

"Ah, from the store, right? Oh, come on, Ian, don't be rude. Get your friend here to Invite your girlfriend back to my place. I mean, the more the merrier, right?" Lishman chuckled slightly as Ian stayed stern in fear of what Mickey would do now.

"I'm sorry. What'd you say about my sister?" Mickey asked back with amusement, chuckling slightly which made Ian stiffen up even more.

"What?" Lishman asked until Mickey threw his head into his own. 

"Oh, Jesus, Mickey!" Ian gasped, Lishman falling to the ground and Mickey beginning to kick him.

"What the fuck did you say about her?" He started punching Lishman harshly, getting overprotective because of a simple comment made towards his twin sister.

"Enough. Enough!" Ian tried to push Mickey back. Mickey pushed Ian back and continued to kick Lishman. Car horns honked out as they fought in the middle of the road, drawing the attention of people passing by. Ian throat punched Mickey knocking him down for a second by catching him off guard.

"What the fuck, Red?" Mickey groaned, sitting up.

"Shit, Mickey. They're gonna call the cops. Are you okay?" He crouched in front of Lishman as Mickey jumped to his feet.

"Come on!" Mickey shouted.

"Sorry." Ian told Lishman.

"Gallagher!" Mickey shouted again.

"Sorry. I'll text you. Ah, shit!" Ian cursed as they started running while cops chased them.

I stepped out of the apartment building, looking down the street to see two boys running towards me, looking more and more familiar the closer they got.

"Ian? Mickey?" I got a better look as they got closer. " What is going on?" I called out when they were in earshot.

"Run!" Ian called out.

"Start running!" Mickey shouted next. Without hesitation I turned around and began running. I glanced over my shoulder to see two cops chasing us all.

"Shit, what did you do?" I snapped at Mickey as he caught up to me.

"Run now, ask questions later," Mickey argued.

"I am running!" I shot back. We all turned down an alley, watching the police run right by us as we caught our breath. "Now, what did you do?" I pushed Mickey back slightly with the stern question, not giving them a chance to catch their breath before scolding them both.

"Mickey beat up an old man" Ian claimed, not telling the entire truth.

"Why?" I looked back to Mickey for answers.

"He wasn't that old and he owed dad money" Mickey went along with Ian's story, not wanting to hurt me with the truth.

"You're a dumbass" I laughed at their combined story. When my laughter died down I looked to Ian to catch the glint in his eye. "No" I held my arms out to keep him back, dropping my bag on the ground. "No, no, no" I started running down the alley as Ian chased me with laughter. He picked me up from behind and spun me around as I genuinely laughed happily.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now