Chapter 11

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Trigger warning: mentions of sexual assault in the beginning of this chapter.

"Looks like your time is up Prince Charming" Lip patted him on the shoulder.

"Somethings not right. Megan would never hook up with someone at a high school party" Ian claimed with worry.

"You know what? You're right" his brother agreed, watching as I disappeared up the stairs. "Why are you just standing there? Let's go get her!" Lip dragged his brother with him, both of them walking around until finding a locked door. Lip kicked it open harshly, knowing I was inside by the panicked mumbles he heard when he pressed his ear to the door. "Ian get Megan" Lip ordered out as they both stormed in.

Ian had rushed to my side as I laid on the bed weakly. Lip on the other hand took his chance to swing his fist at the guys face, knocking him down and giving us the chance to escape.

"You're okay now" Ian promised, gently taking my hand in his own.

"I hate to break this up but we need to go" Lip urged, seeing how the guy was starting to get up.

"She can't move" Ian stressed back.

"What?" Lip snapped back. Ian shrugged with panic, not knowing what to do. "Carry her, come on" him and Ian each took my arms, pulling me to put my arms over their shoulders to make our escape.

"What the hell did they do to her?" Ian worried to Lip as the two of them practically dragged me into their house, careful not to wake up the younger siblings.

"Flunitrazepam" I mumbled groggily, eyelids drooping heavily.

"What does that mean?" Ian looked to his older brother in confusion and panic.

"She was drugged" Lip sighed in understanding.

"What?" Ian snapped. "Is she gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, she just needs to sleep it off" Lip explained calmly, setting me down onto the couch. "Go grab her a blanket" Ian ran upstairs and returned to drape the blanket across me comfortably.  "I'll wait for Fiona, you go get some rest, she's safe now" Lip promised his brother.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll look after her don't worry" he waved Ian off. "Go on"

"What happened to her?" Fiona questioned upon her return from her own night out, knowing I was usually the most responsible one out of the three of us.

"Roofie" Lip explained, Fiona sighing and nodding along tiredly.

"Let her rest, she'll be alright" Fiona said.

With a start I jumped up, fight or flight kicking in full force.

"Morning--" Lip started only for me to punch him on sight. "Fuck!" Lip held his bleeding nose as Fiona held me back from him, allowing me a second to process where I was. Ian raced downstairs at the sound of chaos early in the morning.

"Hey, you're safe" Ian said softly, stepping between Lip and I. "I'm right here" He added, pulling me in carefully for a hug. I sighed as my body relaxed and my mind became clear once again.

"At least we know you can throw a punch to protect yourself" Lip laughed through the pain.

"I'm sorry" I looked over to him with an apologetic face.

"Its alright, though you really know how to throw a punch" He groaned slightly, rubbing his sore nose.

"What happened?" I asked them both, knowing I was with them last night before I had blacked out.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now