Chapter 38

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"Megan?" Ian asked out as I sprinted down the street one morning as we were both on our way to work. I had glanced back over my shoulder multiple times with concern written all over my face.

"No time to explain" I grabbed his shoulder and dragged him along with me, Ian following without any question. "Shit" I sighed as we turned down an alleyway only for the men chasing me to cut us off.

"An explanation would be really nice right about now" Ian claimed with worry as we faced down the men who had us cornered.

"This way" I started up the fire escape, climbing up with my best friend right behind me. I found an empty beer bottle outside of someone's window, throwing it down at the men to hold them back.

"In here" Ian called me over, opening someone's apartment window. I climbed in and he came right behind me, closing the window and locking it. "Want to explain now?" He turned to me.

"Walk and talk?" I asked after checking the time to see we were going to be late for work.

"Walk and talk" he agreed.

"Iggy sold drugs or something to a gang and ripped them off, he was stupid enough to let them find out where he lives so when I left for work they followed me" I shrugged simply.

"And what we're they going to do to you?" Ian worried slightly, glancing over at me.

"Kidnap me and hold me ransom, not that my family would care enough to pay it"


"What else did Grammy buy you guys?" Fiona set their gifts on the counter as she looked at Ian and Carl who sat at the counter. "Oh, I'm sorry, buddy, got to sell everything." Fiona rubbed Liam's head as she took the iPad off his high chair table.

"She still won't get out of her room." Debbie said as she walked downstairs.

"I know what I want for Christmas." Carl announced.

"I told you not to go up there. Leave her alone." Fiona reminded Debbie who brought the food and drink for her mother to the counter.

"Well, how's she gonna eat?" Debbie questioned with concern for Monica.

"An AR-15 rifle." Carl stated.

"She'll figure it out when she gets hungry. And no one's buying you a rifle." Fiona sighed, shaking her head.

"Is something wrong with her? She hasn't gotten out of bed in days." Debbie worried, Fiona going to the living room to find more gifts.

"Just what she does." Fiona sighed again, walking back in.

"What is?" Debbie asked back.

"Little Hank has a rifle." Carl added.

"Little Hank's being raised by wolves." Fiona shot back.

"Mom's bipolar, Debs." Ian gently explained, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Like the North and the South Pole?" She wonders.

"Sort of." Ian nodded.

"Well, what can we do to help?" She asked next.

"Not much. Just wait it out." Fiona said calmly.

"For how long?" Debbie shouted back.

"Till she snaps out of it. Which she always does. It just takes time." Fiona reminded.

"I wish Lip were here. You should call him. He'll know what to do." Debbie said softly, Ian looking to his older sister to see her reaction.

"There's nothing to do, Debs. It is what it is." Fiona said, tired of this conversation. Ian looked at Debbie before agreeing on what to do.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now