Chapter 74

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"What the fuck?" I woke up with a groan, finding Ian rummaging through the drawers while wearing a fancy suit.

"Morning." Ian greeted with a smile.

"What are you wearing?" I rubbed my eyes into focus.

"Oh, you mean this? It was just something I threw on." He casually walked out, leaving me even more confused. With a sigh I leaned my head back, too tired to deal with this but getting up anyway.

"What the fuck?" I walked out to the living room to find Ian surrounded by suitcases.

"Okay. So Mickeys suitcase gave me an idea, right? So I went to the airport, and they even have unclaimed baggage just off to the side just sitting there." Ian explained excitedly as he broke the lock on one bag to get into it.

"You too?" I looked to Mickey who was dressed in a suit and feeding Riley who giggled from the kitchen. "Are you wearing Mink?" I turned around when Svetlana walked out to join us wearing a sparkly dress and a boa. I how ever was severely underdressed compared to them, standing confused wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants.

"No, it's fake, but it's nice. Yes?" She smiled presenting it to me with a pose.

"No. It's not nice. Look, I hate to burst your bubbles here. You all look fucking insane. This all you got?" I looked around at them all.

"We have electric shavers, Jamaican rum, and this." Ian held up a dildo.

"Oh." Svetlana smiled.

"That has a hair on it." Mickey stated growing stern with disgust as I took over feeding Riley not wanting to bother with the other three.

"What? You don't want it?" Ian pointed to it.

"No, I-- You touch me with that, I will knock the teeth out of your head." Mickey pointed back as Ian stepped closer. "I will knock the teeth--"

"If I touch you with this?" Ian chased Mickey around the house in circles.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mickey ran away with disgust.

"En garde. Pow." Ian jumped around jokingly, Mickey wearing a look of pure fear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? This is not funny. I'm not fucking Star Wars-- " Mickey continued to try and escape my boyfriend who was making lightsaber noises. Before Mickey could escape Ian threw it at his head, Svetlana, Riley and I laughing. "I'm glad you find this fucking amusing" he sent a glare towards us.

I spent my afternoon at work, serving tables at a restaurant. Mickey was being trusted to watch both Ian and Riley so who knows what I could expect when I returned, however what I came home to was definitely not expected.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, walking up the sidewalk to the house that night.

"It's more suitcases. We got dress shirts, shoes, sweaters, pretty much everything." Ian listed, standing on the porch folding cloths and putting them into suitcases.

"Wait, you went back to the airport?" I wondered, cutting him off abuptly.

"Yeah, why not?" He looked up cinfused.

"'Cause it's fucking risky is why not." I argued with worry for him getting caught. "Most of this ain't worth shit anyway. It's old clothes and fucking hair dryers." I said making my way up the front steps.

"Hair dryers. Yeah. We got toiletries over here, okay?" He explained his system.

"Are you listening to me? There's better ways to make money, Ian. What are you doing?" I asked, Ian muttering to himself and walking inside ignoring me.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now