Chapter 57

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"Hey, line up a shot for the Abe Lincoln of mouth-whores." Mickey ordered as he walked into the alibi with the women Svetlana worked with behind him.

"Excuse me?" Veronica asked for a more polite request.

"I emancipated my sister in law and her fellow cum guzzlers. I'm gonna do to the Russians what they've been doing to my girls, bring them to their knees." Mickey stated with pride, taking the drink as the women sat around the bar.

"Why? They wouldn't even be in this country if the Russians hadn't smuggled them in originally." Tommy said.

"That gives them the right to pay her next to nothing, huh?" Mickey challenged him.

"We're thirsty." Svetlana told Mickey in complaint, joining him at the bar.

"Good thing there's a sink in the fucking bathroom, huh?" Mickey handed her a half empty cup that once held beer. She cursed him out in Russian under her breath, Mickey not understanding her.

"How do they get away with it?" Kevin asked as he poured Mickey a drink.

"Get away with what?" Mickey asked, not understanding.

"Forcing them to work for so cheap?" Kevin asked.

"Guns and beatings mostly. I mean, look, what choice do they have? They got no ID. They barely speak the language. They're fresh off the boat. Sasha can pay them whatever the fuck he wants." Mickey said. "Not anymore. Now they got me." Mickey downed his shot before holding his glass out for Kevin to pour him another drink but Kevin was walking away.

"What the hell is this?" I questioned, meeting up with Mickey at the alibi after I got out of school for the day.

"Mickey is getting the girls better pay" Sven explained from the other side of the bar as I rolled my eyes.

"Good luck" Kevin walked past me on his way out while I was standing stunned in the middle of the Russian prostitute filled bar.  "I'll be right back." Kevin told Veronica as she poured a customer a glass of beer.

"Where are you going?" She called after him.

"I'm gonna pick something up from Home Depot." He said.

"Now?" She asked as he grabbed his jacket. Kevin walked out without another word, leaving a panicked Veronica.

"Get behind the counter" She instructed. I rushed around the counter to stand with her, both of us pregnant women serving out drinks.

"How much do I gotta pay for her?" Tommy asked Mickey as he eyed me up and down when I handed him a beer.

"You look at my sister like that again and I will bash your fucking head in" Mickey threatened, getting close to his face as Veronica stepped in front of me protectively. Svetlanas phone ringing broke through the tense atmosphere, her answering it in Russian.

"Sasha wants a meeting." Svetlana told Mickey as she handed over the phone.

"What did I tell you, huh? Russians are waving the white flag already." Mickey proudly stood off of his stool.

"Mickey, don't do it" I warned with exhaustion from dealing with him and his problems.

"You do know what happened to Lincoln in the end, right?" Veronica asked as she wiped down the bar.

"You kidding? I could barely get through the opening credits." Mickey grabbed his own jacket and walked out, me rolling my eyes at him with the shake of my head.


I stood in the kitchen, leaning my back against the counter as I watched the chaos in the living room. All of Mickey's hookers were sitting around yelling at him in Russian as he yelled back in frustration.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now