Chapter 51

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"Hey, Megan" Ian greeted as he walked into the store to find Mickey and I working. "Fiona is trying to get custody of us, the trial is tomorrow afternoon at the courthouse" He explained further when I stayed silent and acted as though I was ignoring him, but we both knew that I was listening.

"I'm off now" I told Mickey as I moved around the counter to leave. Mickey chased me out of the store to talk to me about something.

"You need to talk to him, Megan, you at least owe him that" Mickey said.

"I know" I sighed, feeling bad for ignoring him.

"Just go to his hearing tomorrow" Mickey said simply. "I gotta get back to work, Ill see you at home" He nudged me in the arm before walking off into the store again.


"Fiona!" Carl cheered running over to her in the hallways of the courthouse.

"Hey! I missed you so much!" She hugged Carl happily. "Hiya! Hi!" She hugged Debbie next. "Where's my little man?" She took Liam from the social services woman with a smile. "Hi!"

"Hey, room for us in here?" Lip called over, Ian and him joining the family. "Hi." He said as Fiona hugged him.

"Get the will?" Fiona asked Lip in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, yeah, got it." Lip nodded.

"Go file it now." She ordered, Lip and Mandy walking off down the hall.

"Megan show up yet?" Ian wondered with hope.

"No" Fiona shook her head, patting Ian on the shoulder. "I'm sure she's just finding a way to sneak out" She offered a weak smile to him, not knowing what happened between us.

"DFS. I'd like to get it started here." The judge began as I came in last and sat down in the far back. Ian smiled over at me with a slight nod, understanding that I was there to support the family and not to talk to him.

"Thank you, Your Honor. Britney Sturges, Department of Family Services. After receiving a report about the Gallagher home, I found the children under Francis Gallagher's care in a state of neglect. We subsequently removed the children from the home for their own protection." Brittney stated, standing in front of the judge.

"Mr. Gallagher, you want the children back?" He asked.

"They're my kids, Your Honor." Frank said simply.

"The mother has relinquished her parental rights." The judge continued.

"What does that mean?" Carl looked to Fiona from beside her at the table.

"Monica doesn't want to be our mom?" Debbie asked with hurt.

"She did it for you guys, so I can bring you home." Fiona explained gently for the younger kids.

"And Ms. Gallagher has filed a petition to terminate the father's parental rights."

"Yes, Your Honor." Fiona nodded.

"Are you prepared to assume custody?"

"I am. I can provide a stable environment for the kids, something that has been sorely lacking with our father." Fiona gave a quick glance in his direction, opening the file in front of her. "I have a full-time job, and I will soon own a home." Handing the papers to her lawyer who stood up.

"Your brother Ian testified about your father's months-long absence. Did his disappearance make you sad?" The judge asked Carl directly this time.

"I don't know." Carl shrugged.

"Were you glad when he came back?"

"He got me into camp." Carl said.

"Camp?" He inquired more information.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now