Chapter 27

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"You know, this Jody douche has hair that's longer than Fiona's. And he has a motorcycle with a luggage compartment." Lip complained to Ian.

"Yeah. Test me on the theorems." Ian grew frustrated with his brothers failed attempt to help him study.

"If A equals B, then b equals a..." Lip trailed.


"You might as well get a windshield and call it a car." Lip continued to add in complaints about Karen's boyfriend. "A equals A."

"Reflexive." Ian answers again. "Maybe it's just a phase." Ian tried being helpful and give advice to Lip.

"You know, she hasn't even slept with him yet."

"What's next?" Ian got on track again as Debbie came down with Liam and Carl poured himself a bowl of cereal.

"Maybe he's a eunuch." Lip suggested.

"Maybe she just likes him." Ian gave another thought.

"Lip, why are you sleeping in my bed?" Fiona asked as she got up from the couch, eye mask still on her head due to her just waking up.

"Ask her." Lip pointed across to the younger sister.

"I moved Liam. I can't be in the same room where Liam is constantly masterbating." She complained, walking around the counter to get some food.

"It's not masterbating if nothing comes out." Carl said.

"According to whom?" Fiona asked with a scoff as she poured a cup of coffee for herself.

"My friend Jack O'Donnell." Carl elaborated.

"Not true." Debbie said, walking back to the table.

"It's kind of true." Lip said.

"Not legally true." Ian corrects.

"Liam can be arrested for masterbating?" Carl wondered.

"No. Listen up." Fiona tried to catch their attention.

"What is the demarcation age where it's officially inappropriate to arouse yourself in front of others, even if nothing comes out?" Lip asked out with curiosity.

"Two years old." Debbie states.

"Hey, Gallaghers! I need focus and cooperation. Okay, unfortunately Frank has rented out his room to a pregnant woman." Fiona stated the problem as she pulled on a new clean shirt.

"I already told them." Debbie said.

"You let her in last night?" Fiona asked her.

"She let herself in. She has a key. Besides, she's from China. They kill extra babies there." Debbie continued.

"Liam needs to go back in with you." Fiona told her sternly.

"No!" Debbie protests.

"Debbie." Fiona started.

"What's done is done!" She snapped at Fiona harshly.

"Okay." Fiona gave in within a sigh. "For now, Liam's in the boys' room with the boys." She finished.

"What?" Carl asked, unimpressed with Fiona's statement.

"Four guys in one room?" Ian cut in next.

"Isn't that a health code violation?" Lip finished the questions from the boys.

"I'll find Frank and figure this out, but until then, four in the room." Fiona said. A woman coughing caught their attention from the stairs.

"You just walk in?" Mickey looked to me in shock as we walked up to the back door.

Until the end (Ian Gallagher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now