E i g h t y - f i v e

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Reese's POV

"Is that a bruise on your wrist?"

In the heat of the moment I totally forgot about the makeup. The coverup on my wrist. I hide it in the towel and focus on my daughter on the floor. I put both wrists in the towel holding it from the inside this time.

"Reese! I said is that a bruise on your wrist?" Claudia practically yelled. I felt everyone's eyes on me "no it's not" I said before getting up and getting some water for Klara when she comes back around but obviously Claudia has to follow me. I understand what she's doing and I do thank her for caring but don't make a scene in front of the person who is hurting me. Jeezzzz.

Once we got into the kitchen she looked at me with the 'I know' type of look but I kept up that nothing is wrong because god knows billie would walk in at the wrong time.

I don't take long and walk back out side heading to the big group of people that is now gathered around her so much but billie is still sitting on one of the deckchairs with her head in her hands.

I passed the cup to Maggie and walked over to billie being careful not to make her lash out. "Bil? Are you ok" I said sitting next to her but giving her space just in case she feels surrounded.

"I just- I don't know" she said but you can hear in her voice she's trying to hold back from crying.

"What don't you know Mhm" I asked her getting a bit closer rubbing her back in a comforting motion.

"I just i haven't seen her like that- sorry seizing for a while and I just panicked." I haven't seen her this emotional since well for a good while.

"You shouldn't apologise Bil. I would have probably panicked as well if it wasn't for the pure adrenaline in my body"

"I'm just a terrible mom Reese. You don't need to pretend. I see the way you look at Klara like you would protect her from anything." Billie said glancing at Klara who's lying on the floor still.

"Billie, love you need to stop putting yourself down. I've grown up looking after family members and just babysitting in general so I've been trained in what to do and have been through practically every scenario and what to do to make the child safe. Your still young, learning how to be a mam while also figuring yourself out and how you want people to see you as. I can help you if you want. Going through everything necessary to make sure you know what to do" I tried explaining to make her feel better while still glancing at Klara. If she doesn't come around soon I'm go to have to take her to the hospital.

"I- yeah I would like that" she said sniffing while holding back tears. "Can I umm- can I hug you" she said leaving me to not respond and just bring her into a hug comforting her.

The hug didn't last long as I saw Klara's eyes slowly opening. I tap her back telling her to pull away and grabbed her hand bringing her to Klara. I sat down and told billie to sit opposite me while also asking Maggie if she could get a cold cloth which there should be one under the sink.

I slowly rub Klara's back "hey pretty girl" I said as her eyes slowly open. I could see her eyes water up and her bottom lip start to tremble "it's ok me and mama has got you. We are going to protect you ok. Your safe"

Billie's just sat looking at her with a terrified expression on her face. "Why can't she move" she said panicking more.

"So seizures can have side affects and one of them is when your body feels really heavy. It will come back soon but it's nothing to worry about. I promise you" with that Maggie came over with a cold cloth with me saying thank you once she handed it over.

"Ok after a seizure one of the side affects could be a headache/migraine so you can ease it with a something cold like an ice pack but that might be a bit too cold so a cold cloth is good. You fold it like this" I folded it once and then placed on her head making her whine about the instant coldness.

After a couple of minutes we helped her up and instantly she went to billie hugging her which billie reciprocated. It didn't take long for the Klara we know to start coming out. "Mama can you play barbies with me" she said asking billie which made billie look happier.

Billie sat on the floor with Klara playing barbies while I take a couple photos and videos on Billie's phone so she can post about it later on her story with blurring out her face for privacy reasons.

I sit there for a while. An hour or two just hypnotised at them two bonding when Maggie spoke up "it's time to go little one. It's nearly bed time plus it's bath night" leaving both billie and Klara whining about breaking up the fun they were having.

"In a minute"Klara said which by the way is one of her new favourite saying right now.

"Okay five more minutes ok" Maggie said setting a timer on her phone before starting a new conversation with everyone while I just go back to sitting back and reserving.

-1005 words

Lovely | B.Eजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें