S e v e n t y - o n e

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I walk into the hospital and walk straight up to the desk. "Reese" I say still crying having drove all the way here in my own since my mom thought it was a good idea to not let Klara see her other mama if she's in 'critical condition'.

"I'm so sorry ma'am are you visiting someone or..." the receptionist asked looking at me kinda confused but with a pitied look.

"I'm sorry. I'm here to visit Reese Gray my namé's Billie O'Connell. I might not be-"

"I'm sorry ma'am but it appears that your not on the visitor sheet for miss gray"

"I know. I'm her ex girlfriend but she was meeting me for a date and this happened and her mom called asking if I could stay with her until she lands tomorrow" I say trying to explain the receptionist.

"I'm sorry ma'am but unless someone on the visitor sheet can confirm your relation to Miss gray or her herself I can't let you see her" she said looking at me with a resting bitch face.

"Right I hate to be that person but I'm Billie Eilish I have 10 millón followers on Instagram and if you look Reese' name up with mine you will see multiple images of us together. So please please can I see her even if it's for like five minutes I want to make sure she's safe. I need to make sure she's safe"

Eventually after some convincing and showing images of us together she let me in even though she wasn't suppose to. As I walked into my room my heart dropped. She was hardly noticeable with all the wires coming out of her along with the random body parts in casts and scrapes.

I sat there for a while holding Reese's hand just looking at her. Everything in my body was telling me that she was going to be okay and she would come home tomorrow but that little piece of me knew that wasn't going to happen.


I woke up with the feeling of my hand still attached to Reese's meaning I fell asleep in the chair. As I opened my eyes I saw Reese awake staring into space. I gently caressed her cheek with my thumb "good morning pretty" I said making her attempt to turn her body so she's facing me more.

"No love you have to stay lying straight. I don't know what injuries you have so you have to stay still until the nurse come" I say putting her back in the position and then positioning myself so she can see me more comfortably.

" What happened Bil" Reese asked clearly telling me she hit her head in the accident.

"I'm not exactly sure but you were in a bad accident but your ok. Everything's okay" I say wiping her tear with the pad of my thumb.

"I'm scared Bil" Reese said clutching on to my hand

"It's okay I'm here." I said comforting her but it would be a lie if I said I wasn't feeling the same.


The nurse came a little later with a list of injuries Reese has got and I got to say it's one hell of a list. Like she's lucky she's alive type of injuries.

They said they wanted to keep her in the hospital for while just so they can see her body progressing the way it should and we decided once her mom lands im going to go and get Klara and my mom so then she can see that her mama is fine. At least she looks a lot better that yesterday with most of the wires out of her.

With that I get a call from Sian probably telling me that she just landed as I said I would pick her up. I picked up the phone and it was exactly what I thought. I told her that I was on my way and hung up and faced Reese.

"Baby I have to go and pick your mom" I said stroking Reese's hand that I was holding which I felt her hold tighter "I'll be like 10 minutes and" I stood up and went through my bag pulling out a new phone "I got you a phone and it is all set up so you can call me all the way if you want" she eventually let me go so I leave after kissing her on the head slightly.

I get to the airport and text Sian where I'm sat since it's only just hit me that I could be surrounded easily if I'm not careful. I also text my mom to get ready with Klara so I can pick them up on the way back to the hospital as well which I get an ok.

A minute later Sian comes running down the airport steps and then walking fast towards the car and putting her suitcase in the trunk. "Thank you so much Billie" she said getting it and putting on her seat belt on.

The car was filled with conversation, catching up with each other. I turn pulling on my street and quickly dismiss myself from the conversation for a second "I'll be back now" I said and quickly shutting the door and running up to the house not wanting to leave Reese alone for too long.

I opened the door and Klara came running up to me and hugging my leg. I picked her up and carried her trying to find my mom.

"Mom I want to leave like ASAP. I don't want to leave Reese alone in the hospital for too long" I yelled and she yelled back leading me to where she was.

She was in Klara's room getting a bag together. She grab a couple of diapers and put in the bag shutting it and telling me that she's ready to leave now.

We all jumped in the car after I put Klara's car seat from the garage in the car and started heading towards the hospital. While pulling out of the street I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding and carried on driving.

As we get to the intersection that the accident yesterday I feel my eyes starting to water. Images like the wrecked car filled my head and that fact that I didn't realise it was hers. She could have died.

I get pulled out of my thoughts from my phone ringing seeing it was Reese I handed my phone over to Sian and continued driving knowing if I picked up I might breakdown.

We eventually reached the hospital and walked to her room. Sian and my mom went in first while I tell Klara that Reese is hurt so you have to be careful not to hurt her but she's okay.

As we were about to open the door the machine started beeping faster in the room so I walked away with Klara not wanting her to worry about her mama. As I turned the corner I saw multiple of nurses running into the room.

"Let's go and get mama some candy from the shop huh" I said putting Klara down holding her hand walking down to the hospital shop while trying not to cry. I just hope everything is okay.

-1221 words

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