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Reese's POV

I slowly open my eyes letting them to be hit by the blind light from outside. As I look around i realise that I'm not in my apartment. Matter of fact I don't really recognise the room.

I start to panic and go to sit up but there was an arm across my stomach from doing so. I look to my left to see the silver haired girl sleeping letting soft snores leave her mouth.

Looking down at her everything from last night comes rushing back. Pretending to be her girlfriend, her sitting on my lap, helping her to the bathroom, her hot breath against my neck when she whispered into my ear, her kissing me, her trying to take control (but didn't work), pulling away seeing her puffy lips, her snuggling her face into the crook of my neck, carrying her bridal style to the Uber, her falling asleep in my arms, gently putting her to sleep, her begging for me to sleep next to her, her bringing me in tightly and holding me there.

As soon as my brain recaps everything that happened that night I instantly feel guilt. She was drunk no she was pissed (means very drunk in Britain) and me? I had two drinks. I took advantage of her. I kissed her. OMG I KISSED MY CLIENT. What if I lose my job,what if someone finds out, what if Maggie and Patrick fire me because I made out with their daughter when I was on duty, what if billie doesn't want to see me anymore, what if she regrets it, what if she can't remember? Would I tell her? I would have to right but it might ruin our friendship and become more distant with me.

Before I know it I was struggling it breath. My hand on my chest as I sit up trying to help me get the air, tears rolling down my eyes. With all of this I forgot one thing. Billie was on me. I look down to be meeted with transparent like eyes. They transformed from intimidating to soft as soon as they see my face.

"Hey hey what's up"

Eventhough she was just trying to help me it just made me cry even more thinking what might happen.

"Okay Reese breath with me okay in for 5 hold for 2 out for 5. We are going do that 3 times okay" she says rubbing my back comfortingly "breath in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 hold 1. 2. Breath out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5"

we do it 3 times making my breathing get steadier.

"Im sorry bil" i say and start getting my things to leave.

"Wow where do you think your going"


"Nah come here mamas" she pulled me into a hug in the same position as yesterday but this time im sitting on her lap. "I just want you to know i like you reese like alot. What happened in the party happened cause i was completely sober. Why did you think i wouldnt let you make me any drinks? Because i was drink lemonade mixed with apple juice all night"

Shock comes over me like a wave confusing the hell out of my. How did she know what I was thinking but I knew if I stayed quite for too long she might think I don't so I replied with the thing I know 100% of "I like you too Bil but I don't know if I can"

"What do you mean if I like you and you like me what's the problem"

"Im your security guard bil dont you think thats dodgy plus what would maggie and patrick say"

"Its fine we wont tell them. Just us. me and you. You already have an excuse to be near me all the time so that aint an issue"

"Please Reese be my girlfriend"

"Alright but I'm telling you if we get in trouble for dating I'm not taking the blame and I'm going to tell you I told you so"

"Yeah whatever now cuddle me"

For some reason I don't think this is going to end well

-690 words

I had to make todays short so I can start working on tomorrows as I'll only have my phone for an hour but DW alots starting to happen

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