F i f t y - f o u r

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Billie's POV

Alright so I've booked it. After Reese and Klara fell asleep I decided to book stuff for tomorrow. I book bowling and food. You may think bruh and you think this is how your going to get her back. Well I bought her tickets for the show later that night to see girl in red.

I get out of my bunk to get a glass of water to see finn, mom and dad talking but stop as soon as I get into the room. They were talking about me. After grabbing the glass of water I sit next to finn.

"So what were you all talking about" I ask taking a sip of the water.

"Nothing much" mom said looking at dad. For some reason I don't believe them.

"You know how your mothers like about global warming"dad added into the conversation. I can tell their both lying.

"Finn" I look at him squinting my eyes. I may not be able to tell every time that my parents lie but something I know is when my brother lies. Every. Single. Time.

"Bil" he repeated not taking his eyes off his phone which he picked up as soon as I walked into the room.

"Tell me what you were talking about and don't lie you know i know when you lie so cut the shit"

"We were talking about Reese" huh. Why? I thought they liked her "she's too good for you Bil. For you and Klara." Both of my parents groan in response like he's telling a massive secret that no one knows.

"What do you mean by that" I can feel my anger rising. Yeah she is way too good for me but he doesn't have the position to say anything about our relationship.

"Look Bil we don't mean anything bad from it but we've seen the way you've been treating her lately. Texting that other girl like you don't have one next door. She clearly loves Klara. Take early for example she offered to calm her down but you denied. Not to mention Klara throwing up on her twice. Even then she got up making sure she is okay before changing her clothes. I can see what it's doing to her mentally. She's slipping, battling her thoughts. If you don't sort yourself out, I'll make sure she leaves for her benefit" that was the last thing I heard before storming off and lying back in my bunk after kissing Reese and Klara goodnight.

Reese's POV

"She's slipping, battling her thoughts. If you don't sort yourself out, I'll make she leaves for her benefit" I hear finn say lecturing his sister about our relationship.

He's right. Not that I'll admit it to his face but he's right. I've started taking my meds again and talking to my therapist but nothing feels like it's working. The only thing I keep coming back to is breaking up with billie.

But that's like the last option. I love her. I think part of me will always love her but I just can't sit around watching her obviously cheat on me behind my back. I've given multiple chances for her to rekindle our relationship and tomorrow is her last chance. After tomorrow I'll know what I'm going to do. Break up or stay.

I'm on my side slightly cuddled up to Klara when I feel a kiss on my cheek and see one being planted on Klara's and then the noise of someone getting into bed. That someone being Billie.

Billie's POV

Today is the day. The day I earn back her trust. I made sure I woke up before her and went into the kitchen to make something she misses eating from the Uk. Crumpets.

It was hard trying find them for a reasonable price. $11.56 was the amount I ended up paying after being to 9 different stores with a lot of them not having any.

I pop them in the toaster and pour her some orange juice knowing she can't have coffee this early otherwise she goes all shaky. Once the crumpets were done I buttered them and set up everything on the table.

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