F o r t y - f o u r

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Reese's POV

I've finally finished work today so I get to go home to my baby early. That's only because I have to stay later tomorrow as there is a show.

Jumping into my Land Rover I finally pull up to her moms house. We've decided that she was gonna live there until there has been no sign of this guy.

I park the car in her drive and head to her house. There was this Toyota in the driveway as well but I just pushed that out of my mind. It's probably just family.

Walking up to the door I knock and enter letting people know it's me. Straight away I get met with this girl. I would guess she is about 5'5. Only a couple of inches shorter than me.

"What are you doing here" she asked full attitude. The fuck is her problem. She starts walking closer to me trying to back me up against the wall but that ain't gonna work lovely girl.

"I'm Billie's girlfriend and security guard. Who are you?" I say in the same attitude as she was expressing.

"OMG I'm so sorry. I'm Emma I've been assigned as Billie's security guard when your away" she put her hand out for me to shake but I give her a dirty look instead. Something is off about her.

I nudge her shoulder as I walk past heading to Billie's room "sorry I didn't see you there". I glance back and she's lying on the floor looking at me with a shocked look. Call herself a security guard.

Walking into her bedroom i jump on her bed when I see she is by her desk writing something. "Hey baby. Whatcha writing?" I ask walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her.

"Just a song" she chuckles while leaning her head back for a kiss. I pull away a couple of seconds later and look at her paper.

Cause I like to do things god
Doesn't prove If she saw us
She couldn't look away

I wanna do bad things to you
I wanna make you yell
I wanna do bad things to you
Don't want to treat you well

"Your fans are already down bad for you as it is and to think you might preform this song one day" I laugh "I'm gonna have competition"

"Nope it's only you my love" she kisses me a couple of times and then pulls away "I'm thinking of dying my hair. I've thought about it for awhile but since my mom is looking after Klara for the weekend I think now is the perfect time" she said pulling up her phone looking at colours.

"I think you should go back to black hair. You looked hot af" I say diving back onto the bed.

"hmm maybe but I wanna change it up a little y'know. Something that not many people have done" she picks up her phone calling who I am assuming is her hairdresser booking an appointment for in the morning.


I didn't even get chance to take Billie to the hairdressers this morning. Apparently something had happened which was gonna set us back a couple of hours if I didn't come in early. So I am.

A lot of the time I have to leave her but I left her with that Emma chick. Something about her doesn't seem right. I know people say first impressions mean everything but I don't think it is just that.

Like put it this way. If you were Billie's new security guard surely you would research about her. See all the people in her life and remember them so you don't jump to their throats every time. I would've given in if we had only been dating for a couple of weeks but we haven't.

I'm just going to pretend by like it's a friend for today and slowly build up a case against her. I'm sure she is a nice person but her vibes ain't vibin.

Billie's POV
Reese just left and Emma is on her way. I don't think I need two guards personally but whatever. Today I'm going to the hairdressers and I've decided to combine me and Reese's idea together.

She said that she thought I 'should go back to my black hair because i was hot af' and i wanted to do something not many people have done before. Thinking of like a neon colour like green.

Thats when i saw a girl on Pinterest complaining about her roots that were two different colours. I'm gonna get my roots green and the rest of my hair black.

Emma eventually arrived but seemed a lot more nervous than yesterday. Like I understand that that was her first run in with Reese but I don't think anything bad happened. Well no one told me anything about it. I manage to convince her that it is a good idea and dragged her into my car and headed to the hairdressers.


Reese's POV

I manage to convince my boss to let me leave early for today. I mean there was so many guards there anyway like 4 times the normal amount so I'm deciding to surprise Bil. On my way home I stopped into target getting her favourite snacks, a film I thought she would like and a plushie. The only thing that makes me not want to go home is the Emma. I don't know what it is but she just doesn't give me the good vibes. Like if she went into a shop I would keep an eye on her watching that she doesn't shoplift.

I park my car into the driveway and it doesn't surprise me that there is the Toyota in the driveway again. I mean if your gonna at least pretend to be a security guard get a good car man. But sadly i cant prove that she isn't in the industry. I double check I locked the jeep door and head to the front door opening it. I checked the living room, the kitchen meaning she's in the bedroom. As i go closer to the door i hear moans coming out from under the door. They are too high pitch to be Billie's but i don't know whether that is worse. You know what i am going in. If she is cheating on me then fuck her man. I twist the handle to open but the door is locked.

I knocked on the door "Babe are you in there?" Pretty much straight away the moans stop and there was some movement from behind the door. As the door opens my heart drops slightly.

-1115 words

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