F o r t y - f i v e

89 4 2

Tw - Seizure

"Hey baby how was work" billie immediately wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I slowly shuffle into the room hugging her back when I see that rat on the bed looking at us. What even is her problem.

Turns out they were just playing a video game that had a sex screen in it but I don't know part of me doesn't trust them. Wait let me rephrase that. Part of me doesn't trust Emma.

I get on the bed with bil on my lap and my hands stroking through her hair. Green and black huh. She is unique but I love her for it just the same.

We decided to watch Atypical when Danny called making billie leave the room leaving me and Emma alone. God I hate her and we have only met once.

"Sooooo umm how was work" she asks facing me. There's something about small talk that makes the actually situation so much more awkwarder.

"It was fine. How was your day with Bil" I continue to scroll through Instagram not looking up.

"It was fun. We went to the hairdressers in her car and then afterwards we went shopping and had ice cream and-" she rambles. Sounds like they had an amazing time.

Before I could respond billie comes in grabbing stuff and putting it in a bag "Danny rented out an arena for a secret show tonight so we have to get going and do soundcheck"

"Alright" I get up and help her choose an outfit. Once we were finished Emma follows us. Please don't tell me she's coming with us. As we head out of the house she heads in the backseats of the car we are taking . I guess she is then.


"Hey babygirl did you have fun with grandma Maggie" I ask Klara knowing she can't actually give me a response. "Thank you for looking after her Maggie. Billie's really been stressed and I felt like she needed a little rest" I say hugging her as a thank you

"Of course ill look after the munchkin anytime you know that" she chuckled while pulling away and seeing people are starting to come in.

We went to find billie to tell she was on in ten and of course she was with Emma. "Your on in ten billie" I said with an attitude before walking.

I look down at Klara and she's just chilling looking around the place.

Billie eventually gets on and people yell. You should see me in a crown comes on midway through and I got to say they did amazing on the graphics.

I look at billie then Klara just keeping an eye on both of them. Even though I'm annoyed at billie I still don't want anything bad to happen to her.

Bad guy starts playing. One of the last songs. I look at Klara knowing this is one of her favourite songs mama has wrote and she's just staring like in a haze. I call her a couple of times but there's no response and I start to panic.

"Klara baby look at mammy" nothing. As I try to get the bottle of water open to splash a couple of drops on her because she's feeling a little hot her arm starts jerking. I look back at face and it's like she's not there. I lay her in the recovery position calling out for billie.

She's infront of hundred of people singing who am I kidding she's not going to hear me. I grab a mic that's on the shelf and hope it's connected to something that can get someone's attention. "Billie" my voice echos through the arena "can you come backstage a sec" I say trying to sound calm as possible.

I pull out my phone and open the clock up putting a stopwatch on to see how long this lasts "it's okay baby your doing so well. Stay with us okay" I say talking to Klara. 

Once billie sees Klara in the floor she rushes over practically sprinting. "I think she's having a seizure" billie starts breaking down crying so I try to comfort her while making she klara is okay.

By now the first aider is here and looking at her. Me and billie stand up out of the way just watching our baby lying on the floor practically lifeless.

We both cry into each others arms once we found out the news and needless to say billie didn't go back onto the stage.

-757 words

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