O n e

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I've been watching you for some time
Can't stop staring at your ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
15 flares inside your ocean eyes

I start singing into the mic. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. The feeling is unnerving but I kind of like it. It's something I've wanted to do for a while. Preform in front of loads of people that is. Well this is a start. There is only what like 20 parents and 10 kids here but guess what? Everyone is looking at me.

Maybe they are looking at me astonished that I can sing but for once all eyes are on me. No one is on there phone not paying attention. Except the couple of people recording.

Your ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

I slowly start to get comfortable with my surroundings. Everyone staring with their mouths wide open. My body starts moving to the light beat coming from the speaker. Finneas starts lightly strumming a guitar as well. Everything is going amazing I'm actually so happy.

I've been walking through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinking about your diamond mind
Careful creatures made
Friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
No fair

I feel like this is where I belong. This is where I want to be. On a stage preforming songs that I have written to people all over the world but that's just a dream. Most people dream of becoming famous in some way or another whether that's being an artist, being an athlete or being a singer. What makes me any different?

You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

Da da da da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da da
Mmm mmm mmm

I start humming the tone of the music into the mic while having my eyes closed just taking in the feeling. The feeling of how happy I am. The feeling of everyone's eyes on you in a good way.

No fair
You really know how to make me cry
when you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

As I finish singing the last word pretty much every stands up clapping. I couldn't help but smile. The room fills up quickly of cheers and clapping. I quickly walk off the stage with Finneas and go to sit by our parents.

We are currently sitting in the one two three fou- fourth row back from the stage and every single person I passed told me 'well done' or something along those lines.

As i reach my seat i sit down and take my girlfriends hand into mine but yet again she's on her phone. Eventually she puts down her phone and leans her head onto my shoulder, putting both of her hands on mine.

This was the first song I wrote and it was about her but now I kinda wish I didn't. As much as I love her and being in a relationship with her is alright. It all goes to her head. Knowing that someone wrote that type of song about you does something to a person.





I pull my phone out to turn it on silent but also to see what the fuss was about. I would come under the catagory of quiet kid in the sitting corner. I have a couple of friends and a girlfriend and that's about it. So my phone never really makes much noise.

Wherestheavacados: wewhorewhat tagged you in a post

Opening up the app I see what Jess (my girlfriend) has posted and tagged me in. ME SINGING WITH 40,000 VIEWS ALREADY HOW IN THE HELL!!! I know it might not seem like a big deal but it is. I know it doesn't really make sense but I didn't want to actually show the world or post it on social media.

Scrolling through the comments pretty much people complimenting me and being in shock. Which I go to say is a massive ego boost. One comment catches my eye

Danruk: hey hit me up you have a lot of potential

Whattttttt. Am I reading this right. Danny rukasin what's me to message him!

Just as I was about to reply my mom took my phone. "Everyone paid attention to you Bil you got to show the same respect"

"But mom I- "

"Billie I don't care you can have your phone back in the car" with that she turned putting her attention on a kid who was skipping with a skipping rope on the stage.

2 hours. 2 goddamn hours I had to wait so I could text Danny back. Do you know what makes it worse it shows that I have seen it. So he might get the wrong idea.

This is a lifetime opportunity and it can change my whole life. I need to respond like ASAP. Luckily we have the announcements of the winners and then we can leave. Which means I get my phone back.

"What a competition this year am I right" a guy about mid fourties spoke into the mic  "but there is only one winner and 2 runners up. So in third place it's Daniel Jackson on the pogo stick" everyone cheers as Daniel walks up to the stage to get his medal. "In second place it's Alex vause playing the piano" again everyone cheered as she walked up to the stage. "And finally the winner of 'the talent show 2016' singing her own written song 'ocean eyes' it's Billie O'Connell"

Me? Did they get that right? Walking up to the stage everyone is cheering and congratulating me as I walk past. This is a dream 100%. I'm waiting for any second now to be shoved awake.

But it ain't happening. I get this little plastic trophy and walk back to my seat. A couple of people wanted to take a photo with me so I asked them why and their reasoning was so they 'had a picture with a star before fame'. I can't even tell you how weird that interaction was. I ended up taking a couple of photos with them and went back to my family. My dad gave me a hug first, my mom gave me a hug and my phone next, then my brother just flicked me on the side of the head. What it's our way of saying we love you to each other and then finally Jess. She brings me into a hug and stuffs her face into my neck making the interaction feel more intimate.

There's something I should probably tell you. My family don't like Jess and I understand where they come from. Right hear me out Eventhough she is my girlfriend I still see the red flags I'm not colour blind. Like when I go to leave to see Zoe or drew she always asks me where I am going and when the first couple of weeks in the relationship I found out that she put a tracker on my phone.

But I stayed. And not for the 'I loVe HeR sO mUcH sO iM iGnOrInG tHe ReD fLaGs' reason but I am kinda being blackmailed. Blackmailed to be in this relationship.

I've agreed tho never to talk about what happened ever again. Like to anyone because of the predicament that I'm in right now. So o got to just pretend I'm happy and the relationship I'm in is what I want.

Hopefully something happens soon. Whether that's me getting comfortable and actually enjoy the relationship orrrrrrr she breaks up with me cause I don't think I can do it anymore. We all know she's got multiple people on the side anyway.

-1364 words

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