F o r t y - n i n e

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Billie's POV

"Good morning Green roots" the first thing i heard. My head pounding i open my eyes to be greeted with the room spinning. God what did i drink last night.

"come on lets get you sitting up" hands go under my bare shoulder helping me sit up. I lean back on the bed board and let my eyes adjust to the light. I slowly try to open my eyes again to be greeted with a topless brunette sitting next to me.

"Oh hey your awake. Here drink this" she passes me over water and Advil while going back to look at her phone. Why is she topless wait why am i topless. Did we? I quickly lift up the blanket to see we are both naked underneath the blanket. Fuck. I cant face Reese now. How can i? I literally shouted at her for practically no reason, Ignored here calls and texts and now i am lying in bed with another women. Oh AND WE ARE BOTH NAKED.

I pick up my phone looking through the texts on my home screen. Reese begging me to come home and saying she's sorry if she's done anything and how she wants to talk and work it out. Then there was Finn

i understand your mad but get home now. your taking this too far.
Bro i swear to god Reese is over here crying while looking after YOUR KID while your being petty
Billie i swear to god if you don't get home by the next hour I'm gonna be on Reese's side
Don't expect me to listen to your side when you get home
you better hope Reese will listen

This hit me how big this is. Finn has alway been on my side. He was always helping me out of things that i was struggling and to now not have that. I realise how big the mistake i made is. I get out of the bed and quickly go into the bathroom which was attached to the bedroom forgetting about my dressing situation.

"You forgot your clothes" the bruette laughs while getting up without double thinking and handing over my clothes. I couldn't help but look at her body. The way you can feel how confident she is by just standing there naked Infront of a stranger.

"You might want to pick up your jaw shawty" she laughed as she walked away to her closet as I close the door of the bathroom.

Once i finished in the bathroom i walked and followed the brunette downstairs. I'm gonna be honest i still dont know her name. Well remember her name I'm sure she told me last night. As we walked into the living room there is like 6 other girls sitting on the sofa. As soon as we walked in they all looked up and smirked.

"You girls sounded like you had fun last night" one of them spoke up as the rest laughed. I just stood there confused. By now i can kinda guess what happened but i cant remember for the life of me.

"Guys stop it. Shes clearly getting uncomfortable" the brunette spoke while waking into the kitchen leaving me just standing in the middle of the room.

"You werent saying that last night" one of them replied

"Fuck right there. Dont stop, dont stop fuckkkkkkkk" one of the mimicked in a high pitch moan. I cant help but smirk a little. Even when im under the influence and obviously cant remember anything i clearly can still make the person a wreck.

"girl get lost. You would be like that if green roots hit it from the back she has talent." she faced me "You want breakfast?" I couldnt help but smirk. I mean cmon my dirty mind doesnt stop just because i know its a bad thing to do. "sure" i walk into the kitchen with her with the same smirk on my face. As she starts making the food i walked up closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started kissing her neck leaving her to slight moan in response. She moves her head to the side allowing me more access as i kiss up and down her neck leaving a hickey or too.

I pull away and grab a glass from the side filling it with tap water and drinking it trying to get rid of this headache. A couple minutes later the brunette walks over with two plates of avacado toast and sat opposite me giving me one.

"So am i gonna see you again green roots or is this just your way of breaking my heart" she chuckles while eating her toast

"I mean as long as you can keep a secret then i am down"

"Why would it be a secret. What are you?some type of millionaire?" she says laughing

yes i am "Bro i wish. its just my family dont really accept the whole wlw relationship so i wouldnt want them to find out" She nods and understands my complete lie.

I look at my phone and realise the time. 2pm. I have to be on the stage in 7 hours and i havent soundcheck. shit.

I pick up my phone and walk over to her with the rest of my toast in my hand. "My boss needs me in the office but ill call you ok" i type my number into her phone and kiss her multiple times before saying goodbye to the girls and leaving. Now to get to soundcheck.

I order an uber to the location and the whole time i was trying to think of an excuse of what i could say where i stayed. I think im gonna go with making anew friend and they took me home because i was too drunk to tell them where i was staying.

As i went into the building through the back and i walk through the corridors i get greeted with finn coming out of a room really pale.

"Finn im so sorry my phone died half way through the night so i-"

"Im not the one you need to apologise to but i wouldnt be suprised if Reese wouldnt want talk to you" he walks away just leaving me alone. What have i done?

-1058 words

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