F o u r

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"Please don't do this I didn't mean to honestly"

"You have left me no choice what do you think I'm doing this for, fun? Well I am but you don't need to know that. So stop moving"

"Please billie I- I didn't mean to walk in on you with that guy. I'll just forget what I saw"

"You saw nothing I don't know what your on about. I wasn't with a guy. I was sat alone on my phone"

"No no you definitely was with a guy. When I left i heard him yelling then crying"

"You see Av this is why I have to do this. You know way too much"

"But your my girlfriend your suppose to protect me and look after me not- not kill me"

"Exactly I'm protecting you from me. One click and all your problems and worries are gone you have it lucky"

"Please I -I love you don't do this"

I pull the trigger. The bullet hitting her as she has a shocked impression on her face that I actually shot her. I shot the love of my life. Now I have no one except Finneas.

I was aiming a little higher mainly because I don't want her to go through a lot of pain dying but being shot in the gut. That's fucking painful. I'm never going to live with myself after this.



"I love you. Always remember that"

Tears pour out of my eyes as I watch my girlfriend die in front of me. Why was I so stupid? Why did I have-

I wake up immediately out of breath sitting up. This nightmare seems to be reoccurring but this time was the futherest it's ever gotten. Usually i would go into finns room afterwards so he can help me take my mind off it and help me back to sleep but thats not the case tonight as hes out with his friends.

I pull out my phone click on a contact and press call.
(Billie in bold other side of the phone in normal)

"Hello? Bil?"


"Are you okay it's 2:47am"

"Can you come over" I say more out of breath

"Alright take a deep breaths I'm leaving now"

"P-please dont end the call"

"Dont worry Im not going to"

*like 5 minutes later*

"Bil im outside now"

"Okay im on my way"

Walking towards the door i can see the outilne of a person through the painted glass. Opening the door i saw the only person that could calm me down rn. Reese. I immediately bring her into a hug. Her cold skin coming into contact with mine.

"Its gonna be okay ma. Here lets go to your room so you dont be cold"

We pull out of the hug and i lock the door before walking to my room with Reese following holding my hand, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

Walking into my room we get greeted with the calming red light. Reese jumps into my bed and then i lie down next to her. It didnt take long before i was pulled closer with her arms wrapped around me.

I have my head on her chest, my right arm streched over her torso and my legs tangled with hers. It doesn't take long before I start calming down. Whether that was to do with the fact im focusing my breathing on her heart beat or the way shes massaging my head while humming lightly.

"Goodnight eilish" was the last thing I heard with a kiss on my forehead.


Waking up I get greeted with a more joyful hum than last night but Reese isn't in my bed. sitting up I see Reese on the floor with headphones on exercising. Like I'm talking push-ups and sit-ups.

"Morning sleepyhead how are you doing"

"Mhm" i replied while falling back into bed.

"We have the meeting today in a couple of hours so do you want to do anything before that"

"Can we like go out for breakfast like before the meeting"

"Sure we still got like 2 hours until we have to leave tho"

I don't say anything I pull out my laptop and load 'fruitvale station' tapping the side of the bed for Reese to sit.


So we now have about 35 minutes to leave if we want to go to out for breakfast. I walk to the closet and pick out the outfit for the day.

We ended up all going to this little cafe near where the meeting was

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We ended up all going to this little cafe near where the meeting was. All together it's me, finn, Reese, my mom and my dad.

Looking through the menu it was hard to choose what I wanted. Mainly because everything was vegan so I had a massive range of options to choose from.

I ended up going for the pancakes. They are definitely overrated but it's what sounded the best. After finishing our food I managed to pay the bill. After some convincing that is and then we head the to the meeting.

It was pretty much a normal meeting apart from the fact we got told they want us to make an EP. Like an EP. It's crazy to think how I went from preforming at a talent show to people wanting me to make an EP.

So we went home and that's what we started to do.

-897 words

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