F o r t y - s i x

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*a year later*

"It's going to be fine, I know what to do if it happens and if it makes you better I'll get your attention if it does but it won't"

"But how do you know that Reese. That- that's my child. The last time I preformed she nearly died. Can't you see where I'm coming from?" My eyes start to tear up just at the thought.

My daughter nearly died and I wasn't there. The first time I saw her I promised I would protect her, look after her, do anything to protect her but I wasn't there.

"Billie, love, look at me"Reese directs my face so our eyes make eye contact with eachother "Bil I understand. I understand completely how you feel but you can't let this stop you from doing things. Yes she has epilepsy but we've been through lessons on lessons on what we can do to make sure its less likely that it happens. I've been at every lesson with you and I've even got the notes on my phone for if my brain goes completely blank. Look you know the ear piece thingy I can have one of those if that helps so if something does happen then you'll be the first to know"

The bus comes to a stop telling me we have arrived

"But we won't need that ok cause everything is going to be okay so here's what you are going to do. Your going to put on the best fucking show everrr and make all those lil cuties watching you fall in love with you even more. Your a bad bitch Eilish, you got this"

We both got up from our seats. I picked up Klara and her bag and started walking into the arena ready for the first day of tour.

After finding out about Klara's epilepsy I've literally stopped everything. I barely go out anymore, I'm with her 24/7, I have cancelled multiple interviews that don't let me bring her and I haven't preformed since. I don't want to be that type of mother that just constantly talks about their child or are over protective but I can't help it.

Walking up to the arena we had to walk in the front way which I don't mind because we'll I love communicating with my babies but still I can think of many ways this can go wrong and hurt my baby.

As we were walking to the front so many people were there it's like preforming for the first time again. As we get closer we see paparazzi. You know those people with big flashing lights yeah those.

"Babe wait here a second don't come closer" Reese stopped and before she left kissed Klara on the top of her head.

Reese's POV
"Babe wait here a second don't come closer" I kissed both of them and walked towards the paparazzi getting their attention. I'm hoping they are going to listen because if something happens to Klara we are going to back at stage 1 again.

"Hey guys" I greet the paparazzi and they instantly pull up their cameras putting it in my face. "Alright so I understand this is your job and how you need to get paid to live or what not. I'm asking kindly if you don't take photos of Billie right now or if you do can you not use the flash and before you say anything I know you can higher the brightness if needed so don't bring out the brightness situation" they all hesitated but agreed and I walked back over to Bil.

"Alright come on" I grab her hand walking closer and closer to the arena with the paparazzi camera man coming closer and closer into view again. I swear to god.

Something I use to do is flash a flashlight at the camera so the outcome is not even worth selling and after a while they stopped following us but since the release of her second album there is no getting rid of them and it's not like I can do that trick anymore just in case.

We got close and started walking more closer and closer to the entrance. They are taking photos but listening to my request which is amazing. They take a couple of photos and then check to make sure the settings are right.

We turn the corner where all the fans are and they all yell. We stopped a couple of times talking to fans and taking pictures. Everything was going great but obviously there had to be someone who spoilt it.


I look at the guy that it came from and I felt my blood boiling more as he doesn't stop. "Mate stop" I stood infront of him but carried on with the flash "turn off the flash and you can carry on otherwise you can leave" he stops taking pictures of billie as she's in the distance now but his focus now on me as well as the fans "I swear to fucking god" I push him slightly "when you have a kid"I push him "and someone doesn't listen to you putting them in danger" I pushed him again "you get fucking angry" I pushed him one last time and he ends up on the floor "so when someone's being nice but set rules fucking listen to them" I kick him in the side once and walk away still fuming.

I eventually where Billie is and start walking to the room to check on them. I'm not going to stay long though if everything's okay. I can't. I'm so angry I can't risk hurting her even if it's with words

I knock on the door and billie comes and opens it trying to bring me into a hug. I move away slightly and she has a hurt look on her face but starts talking about how Klara is which is good thank god.

After a couple of minutes I find a room and just sit in there letting out my emotions.


I met up with billie before the show and handed me Klara. I went to kiss her and she moved her so I kissed her cheek

"Goodluck Bil I love you" I say as she walks away

"Thanks" she mumbles as she walks away. I really hurt her huh

Finn walks past not long after "Goodluck Finn" I say and get a dirty look in return as he walked away.


The show went amazing like I thought it would apart from billie breaking down during 'when the party's over'.

Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding
But nothing ever stops you-

Her voice cracks and she puts her head down leaving the rest of the crowd to sing a couple of lines.

As she walks off the stage she grabs and Klara and walks away without saying a word and Finn just follows her both of them just ignoring my whole existence now I just got to find a way to get back in their good books

-1183 words

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