T h i r t y - e i g h t

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Billies POV

its been a couple of days since Reese took me on that date day thing. When we came home i noticed the door leading to the basement open which is usually closed. I left it be carrying on with the make out sesh we were having. I remembered about it today so I gently put Klara into the nursery and grabbed the monitor that is paired up to the camera in her room and left to investigate.

I would have told Reese about it but she is currently at work doing whatever she does. Someday she is a security guard for someone other times she just making sure the arena is all together safe. Anyway I opened the basement door and walked down the stairs. In the basement is Reese's gym so I've never really had the need to come down unless it was to distract her which happens sometimes. Alright fine it happens a lot. Nothing seems to odd. The boxing bag hanging in the corner with the cabinet that has her gloves on top. The weight bench opposite with the weights on the rack next to it. The in the other corner the treadmill. A memory instantly comes back.

Reese was running on the treadmill and when I came in she tried to get me on. Obviously I refused so she left for like 5 minutes and came back with a burrito on a stick and tied the stick to my back and told me to run for the burrito. That was the most I've ever laughed I swear.

Moving on to the walls. One wall full of the big mirror typically you would see in a dance class. The second one with jump ropes and little gadgets that i have no idea what they are called. Lastly i look at the other wall ignoring the one that has the door way that I came through to get in here. On the last wall is her whiteboard that she usually keeps her stats on. Funny story I've always thought it was a wipe-board because you wipe the things off but apparent that was stupid.

Anyway on the whiteboard it didnt have the typical stats well it did have stuff like her personal bests

situps - 756
pushups - 147
Plank - 10 minutes 48 seconds

That wasnt the thing that caught my eye the thing that caught my eye was the message underneath.

It is me. That's all you will know but You'll soon know who I am nothing bad don't worry.Just wanted to pop in and say hi I'll be back soon dw.

I have the right to be worried about that right, Like that isnt the type of thing Reese would write on the whiteboard and leave it there plus the handwriting doesnt match. This one is alot scruffier and messier than anyone I knows writing.

Just as I was about to face time her to ask her about this Klara cries. Obviously. I pick her up and carry her back down stairs as I reach the basement door I call Reese well facetime and she didnt take long to pick up considering she is suppose to be working but im not complaining

"Hey baby" She spoke not looking directly in my direction but the phone was moving so i could see she was moving something

"Hey love" She placed her phone down now its propped up and starting doing stuff in the background so i could still see her and hear. "Babe when was the last time you went into the gym in your house?"

"Umm like a week ago I think. I dont really know I know its been a while. ive been kinda lacking. why?"

"Well I was uh.. cleaning up so i checked if down there needed cleaning up and I noticed a message on the whiteboard did you write it?"

"Probably I dont know what your talking about to be honest the only thing I write on that board is my personal bests so if you talking about that then yeah i did"

"No like there was a paragraph on there and it was really creepy like it said something like you know who i am i just wanted to let you know ill be back soon"

"Billie are you joking around or did you generally find it written on the board"

"I wouldn't joke about someone coming into our house Reese"

"Alright I'm on the way home lock everything. The windows, the doors and don't go down into the basement until I come home I need to see the message" with that she hang up

I know she's my security guard but I feel like she is even more protective like this has happened before. Klara starts fussing so I check if she needs a change which she doesn't so I pulled up my top allowing her to have access to my boob since I didn't have a bra on. As she was drinking I go around the house locking three doors and windows while making sure I pull out the keys from the front door so Reese can get in with her keys.

Klara finished and I just finished burping her as Reese rushes in. She kisses me and klara on the cheek and heads down towards the basement.

"BILLIE!" She yells from the basement. I get up from the couch that I was sat on burping klara and walked down the stairs into the basement. When I reach the bottom step I'm met with Reese with her arms folded and an annoyed expression on her face.
"I thought you said there was a paragraph on the whiteboard billie" I know I'm in trouble when she uses my name. Like serious trouble ecspecially when she pulls out the full government name.

"Yeah look-" I point turning around to see an empty whiteboard. What the hell. "Reese I swear there was writing on the board. I wouldn't make that up"

"You know I can't just leave work like that. Do you understand that? I understand you get lonely and want to be with me but making stuff up like that is not it. Now I'm going back to work and I swear to god if you text me or call me with another stupid excuse and I come home and nothings there I'm gonna be more pissed than I am now. I'm not joking O'Connell" with that she picks up her keys and slams the door making klara cry.

I swear there was writing on that board. Yeah I want Reese's attention but I wouldn't joke about that. God maybe I am going crazy and I'm hallucinating all this in my head.

1139 words

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