F o r t y - e i g h t

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Reese's POV

"Morning" i grumbled as I walk into the kitchen meeting finn and Maggie. I pull out some orange juice and sit at the table with my glass.

"You okay honey? You seem a bit down" Maggie asks as she finishes mixing whatever is in a bowl.

"Mhm Im just worried about billie. She didn't come home last night and I don't know if she would even talk to me" I put my head down in my hands as my mind re-enact the events of last night. Luckily we were still staying at a motel for another night otherwise I wouldn't have known what to do.

"I'm she she is fine. Why would you worry about that bozo anyway" Finneas jokes obviously trying to lighten the mood.

I get up and leave going into the bathroom so I can cry. Yeah I am sensitive ok but you would be too if your partner shouted at you to leave them alone and they haven't come back or haven't heard anything. I also can't get rid of the feeling that something bad has happened.

After 5 minutes I walk out back to my orange juice. "I'm sorry Reese I was just trying to lighten the mood. If it means anything im really worried too" he brings me into a hug and I hug back trying to stop myself from crying.

I get a call from the security team making sure that I am leaving since I'm working today. "Make sure you text me if Billie arrives. Imma have my phone on me so call me" I tell both of them before leaving.

I pull up in the staff car park and head to the front. First job the day wristband duty. I meet up with Emma and Denzel getting ready to start letting people in. You know I think they are dating like I always see them together laughing and giggling and then when they aren't they are either working or texting each other.
Maybe they are just good friends tho.

Tonight's show is going to be insane. I mean yeah every show billie does is but girl in red is the opener sooooo. And with my gay ass you know I'm gonna be yelling all the lyrics.

I start checking peoples tickets and giving them the right wristband letting them in. About 10 minutes in my phone goes off so I pull it out of my back pocket looking at the screen.

1 attachment
Your girl was very friendly last night. Thanks for sharing ;)

I open the message up properly to see the photo thinking it's just gonna be someone who has a wrong number but no. I take my break and head to an empty room.

I sit down on the couch and just stare at my phone as my hands starts shaking. Billie's making out with someone else.

Alex's POV
I know den- I mean D thinks I'm useless. I mean I get it ive never worked with him before. I haven't showed the potential I have but putting me as a backup. Nah I ain't about that.

Something he doesn't know about me is I'm close to Billie. Like we are friends and I may have got her location from a while ago. Basically she lost her phone and spent ages like a solid 2 hours looking for it when it was on charge in her moms room. After that incident she made everyone who was around her that day to put her phone in their find my friends which she has obviously forgotten about.

I pulled up to the location seeing it's a club. I pull my ID out and wait in the queue to get in. My question is how did she get in shes literally 18 and she looks like a baby still.

Eventually I get in and look for the eilish. It wasn't long until I found the green roots dancing in the distance. I see her and another girl coming up to the bar so I turn around and order a lemonade which I get served.

"Hi can I have a pink gin for my friend and a Budweiser for me" the other girl slurred. The bartender starts making the drinks so I take this as my opportunity to distract them.

"Hey girls" I say loud enough to get their attention

"Sorry we are not interested" they shut me down. This isn't part of the plan

"Oh sorry I was just gonna say your shoe lace is undone" they both look to the ground and billie starts tying her shoe lace up. I pull the 2 pills of viagra I have and put one in the gin and another in the bud.

"Thank you" they say as they walk off dancing into the group of friends.


As the night went on I stood in the distance watching them. Dancing, singing and laughing but the closer the night became the more the pills were kicking in and it's clear.

I pull out my phone slightly to take a picture to prove that I have worth not wanting to miss the moment. Billie cups the brunettes face leaning in kissing her. I take multiple pictures sending them to D before leaving the club before they spot me.

Emma's POV

Reese has been a lot nicer to me recently. I had a conversation with her the other day how I'm not going to steal billie away from her and I'm just here to protect her and since then she's been nicer.

She also asked me today if me and Denzel were dating. Could you believe that me dating my own bos- I mean man. Yeah I'm bisexual but like 99% women 1% men.

I just kinda went quiet and smiled at the floor so now she thinks we are for definite. I told D and he was fine about it. He actually saw the positives of it so I'm glad I didn't mess up by doing that.

Did you manage to get Reese's number

Yeah why
Does she know anything ?

No don't worry but I need it
Alex came in clutch and  now the plan is coming into motion faster

Oh alright it's ***********
Just don't put my name to it or tell her I gave it to you

Don't worry about that your doing good work E

I wonder what Alex did. Me and Reese are finally getting along I don't want anything bad to happen now. It's like I don't even want to carry on with the plan.

-1100 words

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