S i x t y - n i n e

61 3 5

(69 hehehe)

"You started the films without us i see" Billie said smirking, walking into the room. Us? whos us? i invited you. you know to rekindle our relationship like you wanted.

"Mhm" i said while looking back at the screen. Maybe im not as important to her as i thought i was.


The films went on and on yet it wasn't the film i could hear it was them two laughing and giggling. It was alright for the first 10 minutes or so but when it was all throughout the bee movie. That's where i draw a line. I understand that it might not be everyone's favourite film but c'mon at least have the decency to leave and got to a different room.

It was the end of the night finally. half of Shrek left and they still didn't get quieter if anything they went louder. About 5 minutes ago Zoe announced that she had to go home so Billie walked her out and is now laughing on the doorstep like what is so funny that you have been laughing for the last 4 hours. 4 HOURS.

"Huh, celebrity marriages. They never last, do they?" Donkey's voice echoed through the room as the door closed.

The footsteps walked slowly over to the couch that i was sitting on. "Hey how was your day" Billie said leaning her head on my shoulder. Oh so now her friend is gone she actually cares. Shut up Reese your not even dating anymore.

"Fine, you?" I say not once leaving my eyes from the screen pretending to be really invested in Shrek when really im trying to cry. I thought she wanted to undo everything.

"It was really good. I spent the whole day with Zoe and she said this really funny thing earlier and-" Billie rambled telling me all about her day but right now i couldnt give a flying fuck.

While she was mid sentence i sat up making her head fall off my shoulder and i start searching around and on the couch like i lost something. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and then asked the question i have been waiting for her to ask.

"Whatcha looking for?" she asked also looking behind her to see it anything was behind where she was sitting

"Looking for a flying fuck to give you. Damn looks like i couldnt give one." I said while turning the TV off and standing up. "Im gonna go upstairs now, night"

"but you said we could have a movie night you know for me to try and earn you love back"

"Well i tried Eilish but you were too busy chatting to Zoe for 4 hours. If you think that is trying then your gonna have to put in alot more effort in" I said walking to my new room and locking the door behind me making sure no one could interrupt my time alone. I turn on my xbox and lie in bed getting a new film up on the screen.

Multiple times billie knocked on the door trying to get me to come out and watch a movie with her but I ain't gonna let her win that easy.

I ended up falling asleep at 9:37 knowing I have to wake up at 3 again for work. Before I fell asleep I unlocked the door and went to pee and went back into bed not locking the door because fire precautions and shit.

I turn on the true crime podcast podcast and fell asleep. My alarm went off what felt like 5 minutes after I fell asleep. I turn it off rubbing my eyes while looking around the dark room trying to get use to the darkness.

I walk over to the desk and grab the bottled water I left the night before and took a couple of sips before finding a note on the desk a couple of inches where the water had been previously.

I turned on the lamp so I can read what the letter says clearly.

Dear Reese,
        I know I messed up and I regret what I did. We made plans and I knew you would be tired in the night but I still chose to hang out with Zoe last minute.
Even though that isn't the wrong part I realised I shouldn't have talked over all the movies you watched. I should've taken Zoe up to my room and Joked there.

I know it will take a while to earn your love back. Like you said "then your gonna have to put in alot more effort in". So this is me showing I'm willing to put the time in. I woke up before you this morning and your breakfast is cooking as you read this

Love you always

A slight appeared on my face the more I read the note. Reading it multiple times I put it in a box under my bed and head down to the kitchen to see what she has made.

Walking down the hallway I get greeted with a very energetic shark for this time of the morning. I bend down giving him morning fuss before walking further into the kitchen.

"Bil?" I whisper as i walk into the dining room.

The lights are dimmed with slight music on in the background creating the atmosphere more romantic. I sat down by the plate to see a note next the burrito.

I hope you enjoy the food dear. I know you don't like burritos as much as me but it's the only thing I really know how to cook so I'm gonna ask my mom to teach me more in the morning while your in work. I hope you have a good day and enjoy your food

Love you always

God she makes me a softy. To be fair someone doing the basic necessities in a relationship makes me feel special because of the past but like her cooking me breakfast when she would usually be fast asleep. Massive brownie points.

After eating, which I got to say was surprisingly good since the last time I saw her cook something she tried to put Quorn chicken nuggets in the microwave for a minute and tried to eat them, I went back to my room and got dressed.

Once I was ready to leave I wrote a note to put in Billie's room.

Hey Bil
         I just wanted to thank you with the suprise of breakfast today. You definitely earned some brownie points in the effort your putting in. I hope you have a good sleep and I'll see you when I come home


I sneak into Billie's room and put the note on top of her phone. Looking at her bundled all up in blankets I lean over her kissing her on the forehead.

"Sleep well Eilish"

-1156 words

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