E i g h t y - s e v e n

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Reese's POV

The plan is slowly coming together. I have multiple videos of billie being insane and a couple of texts between her and Claudia that I have taken photos off of her phone.

Not to mention I have also slowly stopped taking the medicine that billie gives me. I'm thinking I run away since I worked out it's like an hour run to any other houses but go through the trees instead of the main path so if she does come driving down the road to find me I'm going to be more camouflaged.

The evidence I currently have now is no where enough for her to get any actually consequences if anything all that is going to happen is she's going to get a little slap on the wrist and told off. So I need more

I feel like recently she's been a lot more calmer. Like she goes on live a lot now but it's not just on live that she is nice to me like how it use to be.

Take the other day for example. When she got off live, I got up and walked to the kitchen to make her dinner. Well that's what we had planned.

As I opened the fridge looking in it figuring out what type of thing I'm gonna cook. She then shuts it while leaning up against the fridge kinda sexually.

"Don't you worry about that love. I'm going to take you out tonight. I've left the outfit I want you to wear on the bed and we are leaving in about an hour" I stood there for a couple of seconds trying to figure if something special is today but nothing came to mind. She coughed to get my attention and motioned with her finger to go upstairs.

As I walked past her I felt her hand slap my ass but I know not to make a deal of it. Not after last time.

We went to this fancy ass restaurant and before we went in she gave me rules like always but apart from that I low-key kinda enjoyed it. It felt like going on of our first dates again back when I wasn't kidnapped.

As soon as we got in the car her mood shifted again. I literally followed every rule. Every little thing she told me to do, i did. Im so done I cant wait much longer to get away.

Once we got "home" she instantly grabbed my wrist dragging me upstairs and putting me into the room that I have oh gotten use to. She locked the door once I was in and I heard her turn the tv downstairs a few seconds later.

This is it. I can't live like this anymore. It's been nearly a year since I've lived like this and at this point dying would be a better option than living with this bipolar witch. Sorry excuse my language.

After a little while I managed to get the phone from out of the desk leg, clearly I jammed it in too hard. I filmed a little clip of the room, the condition I'm being kept in and the locks on the door.

Once I think I got enough evidence that could at least get her somewhat in trouble I head to the en-suite window. Granted I'm too small to reach it without any help which is when I realise I could stand on the toilet seat and pull myself up.

So going through with my plan I stood on the toilet seat and unlocking the small window with the a key I found in the wardrobe. I put the key on a shelf I started to pull myself through.

"I'm back" a voice called which I guessed was from the other side of the bedroom door "I know you have waited for me like the good girl you are" she said with the sound of the locks unlocking in the background of her talking.

As the door handle twists she starts talking again as she pushes the door forward "I brought you a snack for you because you have been such a good-.What the fuck do you think your doing?"her tone changed as soon as she saw where I was but I was practically free. If she ran at me all I would have to do is move my other leg over and jump down.

Lovely | B.EDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora