T w e n t y - s e v e n

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(Songs in bold)
The starter runs off and wishes me luck. The stage goes dark and beats fill the room. A couple of seconds later Finn and Andrew, my new drummer, went on the stage and stood by their instrument. The crowd is going crazy and I haven't gone on yet knowing tonight's vibe is going to be amazing.

Boom boom boom

On the third book I walked on the stage and stood directly in the middle staring into abyss as copycat starts playing.

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
Push my button anytime
You got your finger on the trigger
But your trigger finger's mine

Silver dollar, golden flame
Dirty water, poison rain
Perfect murder, take your aim
I don't belong to anyone
But everybody knows my name

By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say, are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can't have mine

Call me calloused, call me cold
You're italic, I'm in bold
Call me cocky, watch your tone
You better love me, 'cause you're just a clone

By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can't have mine

I would hate to see you go
Hate to be the one that told you so
You just crossed the line
You've run out of time
I'm so sorry, now you know
Sorry I'm the one that told you so
Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry
Sike bitch

There was a moment in me that went to jump as everyone else does in front of me but I have to hold back. At least until it's born.

By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can't have mine

The song ends and like usual the crowd cheers which makes me feel so good but the only thing that I can't stop thinking about is that I'm not giving them a good enough show. I'm not giving them my best which I'm not allowed to but it feels wrong.

It doesn't help that my ankle that the boot is on my foot is killing. I don't know whether it's the manifestation or the fact that it holds your ankle in place quiet tight. But what I do know is this mother trucker hurts like a butt cheek on a stick.

"How are you all doingggggg"

The crowd like usual responds in screams and yells

"Well tonight unfortunately I can't go as hard as I usually do because of my ankle but what I'll need is you guys to replace the energy that I can't put out. Can y'all do that for me?"

The same response happens.

"Okay you ready for this next song"

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

What is it you want?
You can lie but I know that you're not fine
Every time you talk
It's all 'bout me, but you swear I'm not on your mind
You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

Everybody knows
You and I are suicide and stolen art Ugh
Pretty mama sews
Stitches into all your bitches' broken hearts

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

"Stop a sec" I spoke into the mic so the music would stop. I signal Reese on stage and point to the group that is in the middle of the crowd that look like they are panicking. "Guys can we make room so Reese can get through please"
They eventually make a line allowing her to get to the group.

Mid way through talking to the audience she walks about half way to me and signals for a bottle of water. So I grab two and chuck it too her which she mouths thank you.

A couple more guards go into the crowd to help get the person out so we know that they are safe. I've been there in the mosh pit and it gets hectic. With all the body's mixing and the heat doesn't help.

"So do you want to hear a joke" I spoke into the mic not knowing what else to say.

"Yeahhhh" was the most dominant answer I could hear

"I don't have one " I shrugged my shoulders as they laughed in response.

Once I saw Reese climbing back up on the stage with my hand as help. She leant in to whisper into my ear so I pulled the mic away so no one could hear

"you wanna be mine Bil?"


"Will you be my girlfriend"

In the heat of the moment I forgot where I was. I brought her into hug like a really tight one and whispered yes. Everyone starts awww-ing at the hug which makes me pull away remembering I'm on the stage.

She walked away giving me a wink and stood on the side like always watching me.

"Alright let's get back too it" the music starts to pick up and I can't help but prance around while finishing off the song filled with the most serotonin one can be.

Somebody new is gonna comfort you
Like you want me to
Somebody new is gonna comfort me
Like you never do
Every now and then, it hits me
That I'm the one that got away
But I guess bein' lonely fits me
And you were made for begging, "Stay"

I chuckle as the song ends. The has been the best show and it's only 2 songs in.

-1076 words

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