T h i r t y

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Reese's POV

"Yes Bil I'll be okay"

"I'm just worried you know that" Billie's voice responded from the other side of the call

"I know you do love and I worry about you too but I promise this isn't anything you need to worry about. It's not good for the baby. I'm only standing by the stage for like an hour and then I can come to yours for the night and we can go out for a meal or something on me"

"Okay fine" she says like she actually has a choice "be safe baby and I love you"

"Have fun writing I love you too"

I hang up the phone and walked out of the spare room in the arena. I had a call last minute asking me if I could replace a guard that had to drop out last minute. I was hesitant because really all I wanted to do was have a calm day with bil and finn since the second part of the tour is finished. To compensate they are giving me double the amount I usually get in a day which is $400.

I grab my vest and put on my shirt over the top of it and prepare myself for today. It's Harry styles: live on tour today so I definitely need to prepare myself. I'm not gonna lie even I am excited like between you and me I was a directioner so seeing him on tour and getting paid for it is cool.

My first job today was to sort out the line outside and wait for Mr Styles to arrive so I can bring him in. Yeah the guard that dropped was his personal guard for the day can you believe that. So in my life I have been Harry Styles  guard, Billie Eilish's guard anddd her gf the fuck.

Walking through the arena I manage to remember my way through to the entrance. I walked through and multiple fans were screaming looking in my area so I thought he was here. I looked and back and no one was behind me which made them laugh.

"Omg your Billie Eilish's girl"

"Huh" yeah I am but we haven't told anyone publicly only close family.

"You know the singer Billie Eilish your her girlfriend aren't you"

"I think you read the situation wrong ma'am. Shit I would lucky as fuck to be dating miss Eilish but nope I'm just her security guard" a couple people laughed in response.

I took a couple of photos with people since they associated me with Billie and half way through the line Billie called. Just my luck.

"Hey miss Eilish what's up" people screamed as soon as I said her name

"Why are you talking like that baby you only do that when we are in public"

"Yes I know miss I'm currrntly working out in the front of the arena"

"Ah I s-"

"I love you Billie" the person screamed cutting her off

She changed the call to FaceTime and talked to the fans a little. Everytime my phone buzzed I quickly turned it away so they couldn't see the ID name. If they see 'ma ❤️' they are gonna start rumours up again and Billie's still 17. If we were to open up about our relationship it would be seen as paedophilic.

I pulled the phone away from them once she said goodbye.

"Alright I'll pick you up later when I finish. so you can umm go to the store like you wanted"

"Okay babe I love you"


"Bye" she said sadly

I hang up and opened up the text conversation between us making sure no one could see my screen.

Ma ❤️
I love you too ma. I hope writing is going good and I'll talk to you later

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