F i f t y - E i g h t

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Billie's POV

As the last person leaves I'm in the room alone eventhough there is suppose to be security guards with me 24/7. I start to get up struggling a little when I hear a voice.

"Bil" she held my crutches as I got up

"Omg your finally here" I say bringing her into a hug forgetting how good her hugs feel.

"What the hell happened to your foot" she said laughing as she pulled away looking at it more. I don't really understand either I literally just have a boot on you can't see anything.

"So you know what happened on call this morning." I said hinting to what we did on call earlier "well I was putting things back in place my legs were still weak so I fell spraining my ankle." The further on in the sentance I got the quieter I talked become more embarrassed every second.

"So that's what the noise was" she comes closer to me as I feel her breath against my neck slowly going up to my ear "well I'm here now baby so I'll look after you don't worry" she said bitting my earlobe.

There was a knock at the door. I turn my head to see Reese standing there. "I'm sorry to interrupt but you can do all that in the green room. This room is needed" liv pulled away from my ear and smiled at Reese. Oh god.

"Hey you must be Reese I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv" she said putting her hand out. I never told her about mine and Reese's relationship only that she's my security guard so she thinks she's the only one.

"Nah I'm alright thanks olive" she pushed past her and bent down a little so I could get on her back for her to carry me.

On the way out I grabbed Liv's hand so we are holding hands walking through the corridor while I'm on Reese's back. We got to a certain part of the corridor and someone was coming towards us meaning we had to go closer together. As we got together Reese side bumped Liv pushing her into the open doorway that we were walking past.

"Oops sorry olive i didn't see you there" she said with a smirk on her face. We finally got to the room and she placed me on the sofa. They said something about them not wanting me to use my crutches until the show otherwise my hands will get tired.

Liv comes in a couple seconds later and sits next to me with her head in my shoulder and intertwined out fingers. Finn walks in all happy chatting to Andrew until he saw me. An angry expression appeared over his face. Like you know in cartoons when someone's angry and steam comes out their ears well that's what finn looks like rn.

Liv got up and started to head to Finns direction. There's no hope. She's a lost cause. "Hi I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv you must be Finneas Billie's brother" holding her hand out like she did with Reese. Does she ever learn.

"They want you out front to get your mic on and get wired up" finn said totally ignoring Liv

"Well they told me not to use my crutches until the show" I said

"Well that's your problem ain't it" finn shrugged leaving the room.

Finneas' POV

That girl God damnn it. Reese gives her another chance just for her to bring the seconds on tour. "Hi my name is Olivia but you can call me Liv" I mocked walking through the corridors. Like I know who you are bitch you recked a perfect relationship.

Walking up towards the stage I see Reese sitting on the stairs with headphones in looking at her phone. I'm guessing she doesn't know cause she looks fine. I tap her shoulder getting her attention making her pull one of the headphones out of her ear.

"Billie's is umm. Well billie. The person billie cheated on you with is here and they are all snuggly" I say trying to put it the best way "I'm sorry Reese" I added rubbing her back.

"Yea I know" was all she said before looking back at her phone. She sounded sad but not how I expected her to react like.

"You- you know?" I ask hesitantly

"Mhm" she hummed not looking up from her phone.

"And your okay with that?"

"Well not completely but there's not much I can do about it" she says just like she's use to being treated like this. Chucked to the side.

"This is not right Reese. None of this is. You gave her a second chance and for her-"

"I didn't" she said a little above a whisper cutting me off


"I didn't give her a second chance" but I thought she did. She said she did. They were all friendly on the bus.

"But I thought-"

"The day you asked me about it was the day-" she looked around seeing if anyone was around "that I tried to break up with her. Keyword tried apparently I signed a fucking contract" her tone got sadder as the story went on.

What does she mean she signed a contract. "Your probably thinking what contract. Well aparently in the fine print it said I have to be 'in a relationship with her until publicity drops' oh and another thing I'm a) not allowed to have another relationship during and b) I'm not suppose to tell someone but I guess it's too late now"

What the actual fuck.

-1002 words

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