F i v e

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So we have a couple of songs down. We have a song called ocean eyes, obviously. Hostage, my boy and idontwannabeyouanymore. The rest are done but I'm still thinking of the titles.

"Finn I'm going to go out with a couple of people I'll be back in a couple of hours" I yell to him through the bedroom walls.

"Alright but take Reese with you you know that if mom and dad finds out that I let you go alone they are gonna kill me"

"Of course of course byeeee" I say leaving the house connecting my phone up to my car getting ready to call Reese.

Me and Reese have actually became a lot closer. She knows so much about me somethings being common information and other things not even Finneas knows. I have to trust her with my life so I may as well tell her secrets I have never told anyone as well.

"Reese wassup"

"Nothing much Bil just waking up "

"I'm going with a couple of friends is that okay? Finn said you probably should come tho just to make sure"

"Alright yeah where do you want to meet?"

"Our secret spot?"

"Yeah ofc I'll be there in 10"

"Alright I'll see you soon byeeee"


With that she hangs up. I start driving to our secret spot. Well it's not very secret but only me and her go there so to me it's quite secret.

Alright since we are close ish and your in my brain I may as well tell you before you find out from someone. I have feelings for Reese. That's it. Probably not even surprising at this point but I don't know what it is about her. Maybe the way she's alway aware of her surroundings, or how hot she looks in black but either way I'm falling and I'm scared.

Reese's POV (this is new)

Waking up i do the first thing that I do every morning. Go on my phone. Considering that I'm with Billie's ass most of the time I'm still somehow racking up a pretty hefty screen time.

I decide after while that I was gonna have breakfast. Yknow to start the day right. I walk through my apartment to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of special k with oat milk and sit down on the table setting up Brooklyn 99 on my phone.

"Well, we don't have to worry about Podolski's son anymore" my phone playing loudly as I eat my food. (S1 E2)

A couple minutes later 'B.E' appears across my phone calling me.

"Reese wassup"

"Nothing much Bil just waking up "

"I'm going with a couple of friends is that okay? You probably should come tho just to make sure"

"Alright yeah where do you want to meet?"

"Our secret spot?"

"Yeah ofc I'll be there in 10"

"Alright I'll see you soon byeeee"


I quickly chuck on the normal clothing but I decide to change it up but only slightly. Black cargos, black boots and a black tube top. Looking at myself through the mirror I look hot. If I do say so myself.

I grab my keys and head to the spot. Luckily it's like 5 minute run from my house so I'll just run and then ride in bils car.

I managed to go through two songs, I got the feeling by black eyed peas and club can't handle me by Flo Rida and David Guetta when a car passes me beeping it's horn and slowing down until it's still infront of me.

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