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After Ray recovered from his unfortunate fall they followed the researchers instructions.

Dashing down the hall, Juri slid down the railings, giggling through her mask childishly.

She almost completely flew off when Ray pulled her back by the bottom of her cropped, unzipped hoodie.

Stealthily making their way around the corridors, they caught sight of two huge metal doors and a key pad just next to it.

"Guy was talking about this place being heavily guarded, like bitch where?" She said with a roll of her eyes.

Stepping towards it she inserted the card and the red light turned green, the doors opened up automatically, cold air seeping through.

Juri bounced up and down with joy immediately rushing into the lab.

"Juri wait-!"

"Aah I'm coming my baby!" She squealed out as she sprinted down the lab, catching glimpses of large tanks and tubes.

A man concealed in all black, with a mask covering half his face drew his own sword from his sheath.

He was about to slash at her when Ray, with incredible force, launched his odachi at the sword causing it to bounce of into the other direction.

Juri was quick to catch his sword, handing it back to Ray, she made her way towards the man from the Big Bears.

She raised her arm, he was about to uppercut Juri but she was faster, landing a very satisfying slap across his face. He was sent flying into a table filled with papers.

"What is she doing here!?" Red Robin whisper yelled as he glared at Nightwing.

"Hey don't look at me, I don't know." He defended as they watched from up above in the vents.

Juri hauled him up from the table as he let out a groan.

"You, tell me where the lion is." She said.

"I'm not telling you shit-!"

" 'Kay." She said simply before ramming her elbow into his face, he was knocked out instantly.

"Let's go." Ray said, she nodded at him and they began to make their way towards another door, it opened automatically as well.

As they entered, a strong stench filled the air.

Juri gagged at this and so did Ray.

Looking around the dark section, they couldn't really see much.

"Well, well who might you be?" A deep voice spoke.

They snapped their heads towards the source and saw a man dressed in the usual Big Bear gang attire, but he had a red mask on.

"Who are you?" Ray asked.

"Ah, ah I asked first." He sang out.

"Don't care, where is my- the lion?" Juri cut in.

"Straight to the point, hm? Well first of that thing belongs to us, and you have something I want."

She looked at him with furrowed brows.

"The box containing the ring of azure, it is a formidable piece of jewellery that is worth more than your measly lives-"

"Hm, somethings not right..." Ray started, Juri hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, it's like he's talking as if we asked." Juri said a finger to her masked chin.

"Mn, its pretty embarrassing." Ray said.

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