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Juri put on black, cotton leggings to keep her legs warm as well as an oversized, red graphic sweater, her hoop earrings still in.

She sat down at her table and her mood plummeted, she was very pissed off at her maths homework at the minute.

"This is so annoying..." She groaned out as she tapped her pencil against her cheek.

She tried to remeber what Dick said but she was too busy staring at his body for a long time that she couldn't concentrate on what he was saying.

She also tried to remeber how Ray was explaining it, which was the same way Dick was showing her how to do it. But Ray made her arepas so she was distracted by eating that.

"Maths can actually lick my balls cause this is so hard-" A knock came from her window making her flick her eyes up.

Batman was crouched there a box in his hand.

She got out of her seat, slipping on her glasses, she opened the window.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"The facility you went too, to get your lion from. Do you remember the exact place you went through?" He asked.

"Eh..." Juri said bitting her lip as she tilted her head to the side in thought.

She caught sight of the Cartier box in his hand.

"Is that for me?"

"Not anymore-"

"I absolutely remeber where it is, sir. Yep, I remember it like I just went there yesterday." She said a definite look on her face, as she nodded.

He stared at her for a moment before handing it to her.

She giggled as she squealed out.

"We leave now."

Dashing to her room she placed it down and grabbed her crocs, slipping them on she quickly ran to her living room and took her maths homework.

Running out of her door, she took the elevator down.

As she entered the car, she sat down the back.

"What do you need in that place anyway?" She asked.

"A lead as to where they are getting the drugs from." He briefly explained.

"My brother might've burnt the place a bit, I remember it being underground, so it should be fine." She said, he nodded at this.

As they drove all the way down, Juri lay on her stomach, kicking her feet back and forth as she was in deep thought.

"When you multiply two x's it becomes x squared, yeah?" She asked as she looked at Batman.

"Mhm." He hummed with a nod, steering into another road.

"Then why the hell is this shit not...?" She asked herself staring at the equation in confusion.

"You forgot the b minus." He spoke up.

"What-? Ooh!"

"Ooh, my days! It was just that!?" She said in surprise as she quickly scribbled it down.

"What's 589 plus 64?"

"653." He answered right after she had asked.

"How do you guys be doing quick maths like that, I can't even add six plus eight without using my fingers." She grumbled out.

He hit the brakes rather suddenly making Juri roll off the seats and hit off the front seats as she landed on the ground.

"Oho! Ow..." She groaned out.

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