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"I am going to beat you bad, smack you so hard you become one of the three blind mice and break every bone in your body to turn you into an invertebrate." Juri said to Dick, pointing her finger at the boy.

"Doesn't sound too bad if it's you." He smirked, putting a strawberry into his mouth as he leaned on her counter.

He had just returned from a mission and decided to see Juri.

"I am being dead ass, like look at you!? What are you count dracula? You think you don't need sleep?" She questioned, stirring the pot.

"Princess, I'm fine." He chuckled, walking towards her.

She clicked her tongue at him in utter annoyance, he couldn't help but smile at her worries over him.

He wrapped his arms around her stomach, putting his head into the side of her neck, his mask pressed onto her skin.

"You worry too much." He said.

"No shit." She answered, leaning over to grab her magi cubes.

He lifted his head, placing his chin on her head, letting the smell of the sauce she was making, fill his nose.

"Taste." She said lifting a spoon towards him, he happily took it, placing it into his mouth.

Juri moved her elbow back, grazing off of his abs, she felt him flinch.

She halted her movements.

Nightwing looked at her in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

She stood frozen.

Turning off the cooker, she pulled away from his hold.

Her eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion, flicking her gaze towards him. She glared harshly.


"Are you hurt?" She asked.


"Don't lie to me, Dick. You better tell me the damn truth." She said in annoyance.

He raised his hands in a surrendering motion, surprised at her sudden change of demeanour.

"Are. You. Hurt?" She asked slowly.

He stared at her in shock, then slowly nodded his head.

Taking in a breath, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with her, to her room.

"Juri, its okay-"

She gave him a hardened look making him clamp his mouth shut.

Pushing him down onto her bed, she brushed her braids back.

"Take your suit off." She ordered as she left the room and into the bathroom for the medical supplies.

He blinked multiple times, immensely surprised at how angry she was at him.

She didn't raise her voice at him which really left him in surprise. He thought she would be yelling or even cursing him out, but instead she was calm about it.

He did as he was told, the top half of his suit off as it revealed his upper body, taking his mask off, he rubbed his eyes in tiredness.

She stepped back into the room, her frown deepening as she saw the cuts and scratches and the terrible bruises on him.

Some old scars littering his body.

Pulling her chair towards him, she set off to work, cleaning off the blood, applying plasters to the small ones, adding medical creams and wrapping bandages around him.

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