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Strolling into school, Juri hummed out happily, today she was in a rather good mood.

"Hey Dick." She said giving him a little wave as she joined up with him.

"Good to see you again." He said with grin.

"Ooh, Juri!" The twins cried out as they dashed towards her.

"Morning." She greeted.

"Ah! You're all that's been talked about." Chantel said, as she kept her head rested on the side of her chest.

"Mhm, everybody really likes you now, well most people do. Besides that nothing much has happened." Chanel said on the other side of her, her own head laying on Juris chest.

"I'm surprised they didn't expell you or anything, I thought they would've done that to keep their reputation or something." Dick shrugged.

"They can't expell me, I'm just to good of a student." She smirked cockly.

"Anyway, we've missed you so much!" Chanel said.

"It's only been four days though-"

"They've been talking my ears off about how they miss you so much." Dick groaned.

"Juri!" The twins continued to cry out as they hugged her, Dick laughed at this then began to let out splutters of chocked coughs.

His face tinted red as Juris bust was practically being squished together, the twins having their heads laying there.

But Juri didn't mind at all, she had her usual blank look.

As they entered the halls murmurs and whispers quickly flooded the place.

"What's first class..." Juri sighed out looking at her schedule, she grabbed her books and turned around.

Students that were looking at her quickly scurried away.

"Do you think I should've held off until next month?" She asked Dick as the twins said their goodbyes.

"Well it wouldn't really have made a difference." He shrugged.

"Ah well I don't give a fuck anymore if I'm being honest- oh yeah how's the project?" She asked.

"It's all done and I've given it in."

She nodded her head at this, entering the maths class together she took her seat.

Dick pulled out his copy from his bag, not even putting it onto his desk Juri took it from his hands.

"Thank you..." She sang out as she flicked over to his most recent work.

"Did you not do it?" He chuckled out staring at her smile that began to form.

"Well, I did..."

He quirked a brow at this.

"Sort of."

"...only a bit of it, I was stuck anyways, I can't do maths for shit!" She said throwing her head back.

"I can help you?" He suggested.

"Trying to get me into your house again?"

He shrugged with a silly grin.

"I don't need your help it's fine-"

"Juri. We're friends, I can help you." He said.

She stared at him for a moment, feeling her heart melt at the softness of his blue eyes.

She clicked her tongue at him making him laugh.

"After school, Ray's not gonna be home anyways." She said copying down the work.

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