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Up in the dark night of Gotham, Superboy was busy flying in the air, whistling to himself.

"Man, I've stopped six robberies in the past 5 minutes, Gotham really is something else..." He muttered to himself as he adjusted his black shades.

He used his supersense to try and detect any noise of distress from down below.

"Run faster!" He heard Ray yell.

"The fuck you think I'm doing!?" Juri yelled back.

"Ooh, my legs hurt, I can't breath either, I think I'm gonna faint..."

Just from that Superboy immediately flew down to the direction of their voices, as he got closer he saw Ray and Juri bent over as they tried to catch their breaths.

He landed gently on the ground and made his way behind Juri.

"Hey, you guys alright-?"

"ARH-!" Juri shrieked.

"Sorry beautiful, didn't mean to scare you." Superboy chuckled, taking his glasses off, showing his blue eyes towards the both of them.

"You're Superboy!" Ray said in surprise.

"Super- who?" Juri questioned.

"Bingo." Superboy nodded, blowing a bubble with his gum.

Juri stared at the boy, he wore a leather jacket and a suit with an S symbol on his chest, two belts strapped around his waist with a yellow band on his thigh, red gloves on his hands, his ears pierced and black hair.

"Who?" Juri questioned again.

Ray got a sudden idea.

"You can fly, right?" He asked.

"Of course." He said with a smirk.

"You can fly!?" Juri breathed out in disbelief.

"Okay, Juri is the entrance close by?" He asked her, questioning her about the batcave.

"Yes actually, we won't make it by running though." She replied.

They stared at each other then looked over at Superboy.

He stared back at them and a look of realisation crossed his face.

"You want me to fly you guys over to this entrance or whatever, right?" He questioned.

"I mean, will you be willing to?" Ray asked.

", sure."


"But." He cut in, making them look at him.

"I want something in return." He said with his arms folded, his smirk seeming to widen as he walked closer towards Juri.

"What is it?" She asked.

"A date with you, cutie." He winked.

Juri stared at him, Ray began to cough uncontrollably as he had inhaled too fast.

"Okay no- because, how old are you?" She asked, her brow raised with a hand on her hip.

"Why does it matter?" He asked.

"Nuh, uh. I don't want a repeat of a minor asking me out." She said, opening up her bag.

Ray was still chocking as he was now on the ground.

"I'm only 17!" He said.

"Either way I'm taken- so have some money instead." She said taking his hand and placing two stacks of cash in his palm.

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