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Things had finally begun to feel more relaxed now, the smell of freedom fresh in the air.

All their minds now at ease knowing that Kuma can no longer create pure hybrids, said creatures no longer exist to run amock the city.

All the villains that had been transformed were immediately sent to a prison, as well as those that were involved.

Batman did not let a single individual that had went to the auction, free. They all weren't good people to begin with, so he carried out his duty and had them immediately sent to prison.

The Novalie family were not spared in the slightest either, they had gotten what was coming for them.

Evidence was provided by Batman about everything that they had done, and they were prosecuted for their crimes.

Signs of a mental illness was clear in Dahlia and she was sent to an asylum.

Along with Dahlia, Liam was quickly found within 24 hours and he was instantly put in the Blackgate Prison off of Batman's orders, he wasn't trialed at all, just immediately transferred there.

Dick couldn't have felt any happier this afternoon, now that it was all over, he could talk to Juri once more.

The mere thought of having Juri by his side once more, felt to good of a wish to have come true.

He was eager to see her again and be able to have the loving smile she carried brightly on her beautiful face that truly enhanced the rest of her features, all to himself.

Walking up the mansion steps he made it towards the door and he raised his hand to ring the bell when the door was swung open.

He was slightly startled by this, staring eye to eye with Tobi who slowly blinked, his pupils contracting slightly as he focused his eyes on Dick.

A black bonnet on his head as he stood in front of him without a shirt, his tattoos and the scar diagonal on his chest, revealed.

Another marking inked on his sternum caught Dick's attention.

It wasn't filled in, but he could make out the detailed outline of a dragon that was curled in the shape of an 'S'.

It wasn't big and neither was it small.

If it wasn't for the sun beaming onto Tobi, Dick wouldn't have been able to tell that there was an additional tattoo on him at all.

Tobi looked like he just woke up by the way he rubbed his eye and scratched his abs.

"Who...?" He mumbled to himself as he adjusted his eyes to the brightness of the sky and the sun outside.

"Rick...oh, damn Rick your here!" He said, the tiredness leaving his face as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms which blocked off the tattoo.

"Hey Tobi, uh, is Juri here?" He asked, his eyes momentarily going towards the two spiral stairs behind Tobi.

"Yeah, she's here but she's sleeping at the minute, she's been pretty tired since two days ago." Tobi said.

"Oh, could I come by later or...?" He asked.

Tobi hummed as he brought his arm up and stared at his wrist that had nothing on it whatsoever.

"You can come back in, lets see..." He mumbled, running his tongue along his teeth and squinting his eyes at his wrist while he stood in a state of contemplation.

"2 days."

"2 days-?"

"AHAH! I'm just playin', I'm just playin'." Tobi giggled out as he shook his head.

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