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Juri had recovered quite well from the sudden effect of the underdeveloped Xylem-4 formula she had suffered from.

It did not have any lasting impact on her body which she was glad of and everybody else.

But, she was suspended once again. The school unable to expell her due to the many strings pulled by Tobi.

Everything that had been found out on the day Juri was attacked by Dahlia had been shared to Bruce. Jason, Tim and Damian managing to hear about it as well.

Juri walked down the dark path of Gotham, her gloves on as she kept the bottom half of her face hidden behind her high neck puffer jacket, her hands shoved in her sweat pants pocket.

She was irked by the incidents that have been thrown at her lately.

It made her furious as much as it made her upset.

After the day she found out the rumour about her being kidnapped went around, she hadn't seen Dick.

That was four days ago, and counting.

No calls, no texts, no stops by her house.

It did upset her that he wasn't around but she understood.

Her train of thoughts came to an abrupt stop when she halted her walking.

She stared with cold, intense eyes.

Locking her gaze onto Dahlia who stood across the empty street.

Dahlia stood with a face filled with terror.

She couldn't see Juri's eyes but she could feel the sharp and dark gaze on her body. A shiver racked her frame, unable to move a muscle.

Her mouth hung open, her heart thudding. Not expecting to see Juri, so fast.

Juri took her hands out of her pockets, turning her body towards her direction, she took a long step. And another followed.

Dahlia took in a sharp breath and snapped out of her state of shock, quickly turning on her feet she dashed down the road.

Juri in response to that chased right after her, pushing the muscles in her legs to run faster.

Dahlia was panting, breathing heavy. She glanced behind her and let out a loud scream as she saw Juri's hand inches from grabbing her hair.

Juri leaped and tackled Dahlia onto the hard concrete ground, making Dahlia scrape her knees off the rough floor.

Dahlia thrashed around as Juri slammed her onto her back, getting ontop of her, she held her in place.

"Look at me, bitch." Juri hissed out lowly, her hand tightly on her jaw as she harshly moved her face towards her on.

"Who do you work for?" She asked quitely.

"What, are you talking about!?" She yelled out, letting out a noise of pain as Juri's hand tightened around her jaw.

"The thing you stabbed me with, there is only one known place to get it. And that's all the way in Europe, but the thing is, we're all the way here and there is only one group that has their hands on it." She said.

She took a fist full of her hair and stood up, grabbing Dahlia along with her.

She harshly slammed her against the wall, tilting her head back her nails digging into her neck, her carotid artery to be exact.

She could feel the speedily thumping of her pulse through her neck.

"I've never killed someone, directly that is. So you, will be my first if you don't open your mouth and answer me." She said.

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