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Red hood woke up with a groan covering the light beaming into his face with his hand.

He immediately sat up, instinctively reaching down for his gun that wasn't where it was supposed to be.

"Lay down." Juri said pushing him by the forehead of his helmet causing him to fall back down into the couch.

He felt around his stomach and there was a bandage wrapped tightly, his clothes still on.

This time he slowly sat up.

He glanced out towards the kitchen and saw Juri moving around, she was in pyjamas her hair still out but her glasses not on.

She walked back towards Red hoods blurry figure.

She came towards him and placed a plate of food down as well as a cup of water.

"Eat, I patched you up and Ray loaded your gun for you." She said, walking towards the table she grabbed both of his guns and brought it towards him.

He reached out to take it when she pulled it back, he tried grabbing it again and she pulled it away from him making him frown at her.

"Ah I'm just fucking with you, here." She handed it to him with a smirk.

"The balcony door is open you can leave through there when your ready, I'm heading to bed I got school tomorrow, g'night." She said yawning and dragging herself into the hallway.

Red hood stared at where she once was then turned and looked down to the food, it was heavenly, a mouth watering smell to it.

Removing his helmet the smell became more prominent.

He hesitated before digging in he ate his fill and drank the water, putting his helmet back on, he began to make his way towards the balcony.

"Why did she help me?" He wondered, he shook his head leaping into the night.


Tired couldn't even fit what Juri was feeling.

She dragged herself towards the school gates annoyance filling her system with every loud person she passed.

She only got around three hours to sleep, and she couldn't do that properly because her new pet was continously waking up shaking in fear.

She spent her three hours petting him to sleep and placing kisses everywhere just to reassure him he was okay.

She was spacing out while at her locker and then suddenly Derek slammed into her while playing causing her to fall onto the floor.

"Haha-! Woah my bad." He said chuckling and walking away with his friends.

She grabbed her textbook that fell out of her arms pushing herself off the floor she winced at the deep cut on her right hand.

"I'm gonna beat this son of a-"

"Hey Juri- ooh, you okay? You look tired?" Dick said with a raised brow.

"You can't even see my eyes." She said rolling them.

"I don't need to, to know that you are." He said a smirk on his face, revealing his dimples.

"Okay miss ma'am." She said as she slightly struggled to put her books in her bag without causing some sort of discomfort to her hand.

"Here let me help you." He said taking her stuff and putting them in.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"What happened to your hand anyway?" He questioned concern on his face as they began to make their way towards their first class together.

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