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"It was too funny, the ball just hit off her face and went into the net!" Chanel cackled out.

"If that didn't happen we wouldn't have won." Juri grumbled, placing her phone on the counter, propped up against the wall.

"What was the score?" Dick questioned, his face against his pillow, as he held his phone in his hand.

"It was 33 to 31." Chantel said as she flicked through her wardrobe.

Chantel, Chanel, Dick and Juri were currently on face time.

"How's your leg?" Juri questioned as she stirred some noodles in a pot with chopsticks.

"Ooh it's much better now, well there is a bruise on my knee and my ankle still hurts."

"Of course it is, you keep moving around!" Chantel yelled, the twins were in their own rooms.

"But I want to help my dear sister." Chanel pouted out.

"No, I told you to rest and you will."

Dick let out a chuckle at this.

There was a knock on Juri's front door and she perked up at this picking up her phone she saw a message.

"Oh guys, I'll talk to you later, I'm about to get my hair done." She said as she put on her slides.

Scratching behind Dami's ear she stepped over his body making her way towards the door.

"Dibs on being the first one to see it when it's done." Dick said with a smirk.

"No! We want to see it first!" They said.

"Whoever manages to see me on Monday will, anyway, bye." She said.

Leaving the call, she swung the door open and saw her favourite stylist.

Sani Akin, a Nigerian man specifically Yoruba. He was a slight bit shorter than Juri, he had long dreads pulled into a spiky ponytail at the back with a double peircing on his ear, he was a slender, dark skinned man with smooth almost glowing skin.

Sani had an eye for beautiful things, whether it be jewellery and clothes or even people.

He was a man that loved being beautiful, always dressing in the finest designer brands and such, he was one that boasts about himself but he has a kind heart.

Looking at Juri with his dark eyes he let a grin pull onto his smooth lips.

"Ooh, omo mi!"

(My child)

He said as he bounced around and gave her a nice big hug.

"Ah, ah. Look at you, hey!" He squealed out as she took his bags from him.

"Come on in." She said as she lead him inside.

They began to chat away as Juri led him towards her sitting room, he sat down on the couch and took out his supplies.

"Okay so what are you feeling today?" He asked.

She took out her phone showing him a picture of the half and half hairstyle. He looked it over once and then twice.

"This is a change, I thought you would've wanted shuku or something." He said handing it back to her.

Looking into his gucci handbag he brought out all his products.

"Ah well, I just thought a change would be nice." Juri chuckled out.

Sani gave her a look, looking her up and down he let out a hum.

"Ah! Why are you looking at me like that?" She said placing a hand on her chest.

"No its okay, anyway do you want attatchment or with your natural hair?"

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