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Five years is quite a long time.

Five years of not being in school, five years of focusing on overcoming her trauma, five years of getting her healthy physical appearance back and five years of time for herself.

It was the middle of february, rain was pouring yet it was quite warm. Juri's nerves buzzing like never before, not in a good way that is.

She didn't understand why she was nervous, fearful even. She didnt like it either way.

Walking out of her room she began to make her way towards her fathers office.

They have been planning thoroughly for the last 5 years, new batches of weapons being made with different metals, traitors being killed off and replaced with more loyal ones.

Defences had been strenghtened, deals being made. The usual criminal activity being committed, but that wasn't Juri's focus, it hasn't been for the longest time anyway.

The Big Bears had been silent since she was rescued, like they never existed in the first place, she was happy about that either way. She was sick and tired of hearing about them.

Especially Kuma.

But now she felt as though they were getting closer to discovering the perfect plan to take Kuma down, for good.

She was supposed to be feeling excited and glad that he was, hopefully, going to be taken down soon.

But something was making her nerves go ballistic and she didn't like it at all, she touched her chest, feeling it become itchy where her scar is located.

"Hey Juri." She looked to her right and saw Ray making his way towards her with Dami by his side.

A wide smile made way onto her face as she returned the side hug he gave her.

"You got called up too?" She asked him as she pet Dami with a gentle look on her face.

"Yeah, are you nervous?" He asked her, noticing her demeanour.

She looked up at him, surprised that he saw.

"Have I become that easy to read?" She questioned.

"Expressive more like." He said, taking his hairband and tying half his hair up and leaving the rest down.

"Well, I don't know. I am nervous, but I don't like it one bit." She said, scratching her hip, where her old scar is.

He took notice of this and hummed out in understanding.

"I don't look tired right?" She asked looking up at him as she massaged her face.

"It's giving decaying zombie." He said, a hand to his chin.

"Oh shut up, I'm still young." She said with a cocky smirk on her face.

"It's crazy how you're 23 already, it felt like last week that you were only 19." He said, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"How old are you then?" She asked him.

"Juri." He said flatly staring at her.

"What?" She dragged out with a laugh.

"How long have we known each other for?" He asked with a blank face.

"I can't count that far back." She shrugged.

"I'm 24! Turning 25 soon." He said with an excited look as he covered his mouth and let out a little giggle.

"Wait- when's your birthday? I swear it's in like August or something..." She mumbled out.

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