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Letting out a hiss in pain, Dick sat up in his bed, his head panging at the sudden movement of his body.

"Finally awake." Bruce said as he leaned back in the chair he sat in.

"Man, that was rough..." He groaned as he scratched the back of his head, recollecting his memory of everything that had happened.

"Juri...Juri!" He yelled out as he remembered what had happened, he flung the covers off of him and stood up.

She was at the doorway, tears stained her face, blood on her knuckles and a look of betrayl towards him.

He immediately sat back down, his head thudding as he could feel his heart beating in his ears.

"She brought you home, now rest." Bruce said, calmly.


"You were drugged last night by the Vixen, we identified her through the security footage, you're lucky you saw Juri, or else that women would have done something to you." He explained.

He flopped back onto the bed, letting out a huge sigh.

"Once you have rested enough, you can go out." He said before he left his room.

Dick stared at the ceiling then let out a groan, covering his face with his hands.

He felt so bad, guilty and disappointed in himself.

The whole situation could have been avoided if he wasn't so laxed about the mission, but that caused him to be drugged by a villain.

He was almost touched inappropriately, but what was worst in his own eyes was the pained expression on Juri's face.

He didn't like that look on her pretty face.

He wanted to make her happy yet he did the opposite.

He wasn't there for her when she needed him.

She had called his phone and he was unable to get it.

Yet, after all that, she still took it upon herself to deliver him home safely. 

He was beating himself up with negative thoughts, he stayed in the silence of his room, the sun filtering in.

Slapping his face with his hands, he gathered a new found determination for his special girl.

'I might not have been there for her before, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop there and give up.'

Standing up much slower this time, he threw his shirt to the side and went towards his shower.

'I'll make sure to be there for her from now.'

Immediately taking a shower, he freshened himself up. Throwing on a fresh shirt, a jacket over it, jeans and sneakers.

He slid down the railing, yelling incredibly fast words to Alfred who was busy dusting the furniture.

Arriving at her apartment, he took the elevator up.

Turning the corner to her door he bumped into Juri.

She bounced of off him and stumbled back a bit, adjusting her glasses.

"Oh, sorry-" She began, unaware that it was Dick that she bumped into.

She was then engulfed into a big hug by him.

Her eyes widened as she took in the smell from his hair and the scent that lingered from him.

Her eyes then softened up as she relaxed greatly in his muscular arms.

Only You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora