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"You've seen Liam haven't you?" Ray said from the couch.

Juri stopped painting and stayed quite for a moment.

"How did you know?"

"I saw him, at the museum thing you had." He said as he stood up and went towards her, grabbing a stool of his own.

He set it down in front of her and sat.

"Juri. What did he say to you?" He asked.

Ever since she came home from the event she had been looking upset and angry, he heard her sniffling quite a few times in her room late at night.

"Nothing, it's fine." She said with a smile, she was about to return to her painting again when he took her hand, taking the paintbrush away he set it aside.

"Juri, you can tell me."

"It's nothing to worry about and I don't want to bother you, especially with everything going on-"

"I'm your bestfriend, the traitor thing doesn't matter at the moment and you won't be bothering me with anything." He said as he held her hands in his own.

"Seriously though, It's fine-"

"It's not fine, you wouldn't be crying every night about it if it was."

Her eyes widened that he knew about that.

Looking down at her hands in his own she sighed.

"Talk to me Juri, I'm here to listen to you." He reassured.

"Don't tell Tobi or anyone, I don't want to worry anybody else." She said a pleading look present in her eyes.

Juri was never one to tell her problems, it was always those rare times that she actually did.

She never wanted to bother people especially when she's a daughter of a gang.

Everybody is busy and she doesn't want to bother them with herself.

Ray knew this extremely well, she was so kind to everybody she almost forgets about herself.

Always looking out for others but never herself.

That is why anytime something like this would come up, he would press her into telling him.

He looked hesitant but if he wanted Juri to let go of whatever tension she had, he had to comply.

"Fine. Depending on how serious it is and how much it is doing to you, I won't." He nodded his head.

"Alright... so, I told him to go away since he was sitting beside me, then I stood up to leave, he pulled me down onto him-"

"AY!" He yelled out, he began to speak words in Sapnish at a rapid speed.

Juri let out a a laugh at him.

"It's okay-"

"Nò! That caballo shouldn't be touching you, who does he think he is!?"


Calming down with a huff he gestured for her to continue.

"Then...then he, threatened me. Told me if I don't drop my attitude or something he'll, tell everybody what I really look like. H-he wasn't lying, he really was going to-"

He cut her off by embracing her in a hug.

He knew full well how Juri felt about her eyes and he knew everything that happened when Liam exposed her eyes to everyone.

Juri couldn't hold herself anymore.

'Why am I crying. This is so silly-'

"This isn't silly Juri, you are right to cry." He said, already having an idea of what she is thinking.

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