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A good two weeks has passed since the incident, she hadn't gone to school in that time because she was 'suspended'.

Juri scrolled on Instagram looking for hair inspirations.

She played with the strap of her washed and now dried seamless grey shorts.

Wearing a cropped sweatshirt, she was leaning on the counter top, Ray was busy cutting up some mangos to eat.

"Hey guys!" Tobi yelled out joyously as he came in with two bags around his arms.

"What's up."

"I've got an undercover mission for yall to do." He said, placing the bags on top of the counter.

"Mhm." Juri hummed as she liked a photo.

"So I need you both to go down to the south club, and some guy I forgot his name runs the place and I want you guys to, sort of, distract him then take the diamond ring up in his office."

"Mn." She hummed out again.

"...You guys need to get it first before the burger bears show up."


"...You can keep the Versace Medusa Aevitas platform pump heels that comes with the-"

"Alright when do we leave?" Juri said now paying full attention.

"Ay Dami stop eating my shoes!" Ray scolded the lion.

Dami was the name that Juri settled with after a long time of wondering.

"Now that you guys know, change into this." He gestured towards the bags, Juri peered into the bag and quirked a brow.

Ray pulled out the thing that was in his bag, he dropped it on the floor letting out a gag.

Juri took hers out and cried out dramatically covering her mouth she sunk into the floor as she laughed and cried at the same time.

"Come on its not that bad." Tobi shrugged.

"THE FUCK IT IS!" They yelled out at the same time.

Tobi tilted his head and looked at it, it was a maid dress, Juri's one was short, much to Tobi's distaste, it was topped off with a corset under the bust.

"That's the work outfit in the club." He shrugged once again.

Ray's one was long and came with heeled black boots as well.

"Do I have to wear...the-the...c-collar." He said holding in his gag.


He let out a cry in Spanish beginning to say words at a fast pace.

"My abuela is going to be very disappointed in me if she finds out."

"She won't if you guys change fast and leave now!"Tobi ushered them out of the sitting room and into their own.

Juri changed into the maid outfit, cringing inside as she looked at herself.

She tightened the corset, making it define her chest way more, she pulled up the stockings and slipped on the heels.

"I love these." She said as she did a little spin in the heels.

She found there were harnesses on the thighs of the stockings, and small holsters for knives and such.

Taking daggers she had she slipped them on and puffed out the ends of the dress that hid them extremely well.

Exiting her room she saw Ray with a blush of shame and embarrassment covering his face, he grimaced each time he touched the collar.

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