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It was loud and boisterous, laughter bouncing off the walls of the bar.

Some brawls breaking out but laughter remained, Kojirou had completely lost himself in the piles of large cups that were filled to the brim.

A woman walked over to Kojirou, gliding her hands across his broad shoulders with a seducing smirk on her face.

"Oi, oi, hanatte oite, kono kuso yarō. Watashiniha jibun no utsukushī tsuma ga iru, jidaiokure no anata no mankoha iranai." He said with a glare as he looked completely sober.

(hey, hey, leave me alone you skank. I have a beautiful wife of my own I dont want your pussy thats out of date)

Tobi was tipsy, he was busy talking with the women that were working, taking his chances and even asking to take them out.

Bruce sipped lightly on some wine that wasn't heavy at all, him being the only sober one out of the three that he came with.

He had women coming over towards him but he ignored.

Dick was lost in his own world as he had a cut on his face and on his jaw from partaking, unwillingly, in the fights that took place.

He drank way too much and now he was sat beside Bruce, his face flat on the table as he felt himself drifting away.

"It was Kojirous idea wasn't it?" Tadashi asked, lighting up a smoke.

"Mhm." Bruce hummed out, standing up, he helped Dick stand and steadied him.

Tadashi took out a taser from his pocket and zapped Kojirou with it, knocking him out without a word. He slung Kojirou onto his shoulder and grabbed Tobi's ear, twisting it and pulling him along.

"Wait- wait, I'm not done yet!" Tobi whined as they left the bar.

Bruce looked down at Dick and saw him giggling to himself as he mumbled incoherent words.

They managed to put the three of them into the car but it wasn't easy as they're bodies kept on going limp and Kojirou was trying to bite Tadashi and Bruce with his sharp teeth.

Driving off into the night, they're final destination was to the mansion.

"Tobi get back into the car." Tadashi demanded, as he looked through the mirror.

"...I'ts too hot." Tobi slurred out, his body hanging out of the window as he let the wind briskly fan his body.

"My dear daughter finally got a boyfriend, and- I'm pretty happy I guess, but what if he doesn't live up to her expectations! What if he isn't good at giving her all the
things she wants!" He cried out, sniffling as tears dripped down his eyes.

"Stop crying you big baby freak." Tadashi huffed out.

Bruce sighed as he passed a box of tissues back to Kojirou.

"Shut up, Sudashi. Let a father do what he has to do." He managed out.

"Crying his eyes out like a fucking newborn definently isn't it." He snorted in response.

"Ugh, whatever, it doesn't matter because if he makes JuJu cry I'm going to peal his skin off with a rusted peeler and I'll coat it in chlorine, then, I'll tie him upside down and dunk his body in a pool filled with jelly fish."

"...huh?" Dick muttered out blinking slowly as nothing that Kojirou said, went into his hearing.

"Who are you?" Kojirou questioned staring at Dick with squinted eyes.

"Yeah." Dick nodded.

"What?" Tobi uttered, his legs in a man spread as he took his shirt off and threw it out the window.

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