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Going into school with a dampened mood for the last two days was rather upsetting for her.

Shoving her duffle into her locker with a huff, she zipped up her bag and locked her locker shut.

Dami was still on her mind, she told Tobi and he assured her that he will track them down.

She's extremely attached to the small lion and to suddenly have it taken away from her was something she didn't like.

"Hey Juri?" Dick said behind her as he saw the depressing look on the bottom half of her face.

Without even seeing her eyes, the way she slightly pouted her lips, unconsciously said it all.

"Morning..." She mumbled slinging her bag onto her shoulders.

"You look dull, ah well I brought these for you." He said with a grin as he brought out a paper bag, three of Alfred's cookies were inside.

She looked from it too Dick then began to smile as she accepted the paper bag.

"You spoil me."

"Anything for you princess." He winked, she rolled her eyes at his flirtatious answer.

"What's that for?" She asked nodding her head towards his own duffle slung over his chest.

"Basketball, we have it the same day you guys have yours."

"Don't you finish when we start?"

"Oh that was just a little meeting, I didn't go though, we train around the same hours as you but we use the other sports hall-"

"Other!? You rich shits have another one?" She said in surprise as she stared up at Dick in shock.

"My exact thoughts when I first started."

"Hey Juri!" Valentina greeted with a wide smile.

"Hey girl!" Juri greeted as they passed.

"Have you ever played before? Like in a club or something?" He asked.

"No actually." She answered.

"So. Wanna tell me why you look so sad?"

"Sad? I don't look sad." She said as she shot him a look, he raised his hand In a surrendering motion with a chuckle.

Derek caught sight of Juri and gritted his teeth, spite rumbling in his system as he glared at Juri.

She didn't know he was glaring at her neither did she realise he was up ahead.

"I'm heading off to the art room I've got work to do." She said as she waved behind her going down the hall to head up the staircases.

"Bye!" Dick called out taking a turn in, as she looked up at the ceiling she bumped into somebody.

"Oh I'm sorry." She spoke out.

"Tch..." She looked down then scoweld as she realised that it was Veronica, the girl had a look of hatred plastered on her face.


"Ah, don't be saying something that you know will end up leaving you with a snapped neck." She warned as she shoved past her.

As she made her way towards the art room, she unwrapped a chicken wrap from her bag and began to munch on it.

Plugging in her ear peices she blasted music into her ears drowning out everything.

She ignored every look that came her way she was used to it, but the looks they were giving her wasn't a bad one but an anxious one.

She glanced at the students that shuffled quickly to their classrooms.

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