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"Besides finding the bullet in him, I'm pretty sure Nightwing is on to me." Juri mumbled as she held a can of soda in her hand.

"The guy saw you as a normal civilian, then he saw you on a mission, OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO BE ON TO YOU!" Tobi yelled out on the other side of the phone.

"Oh well, he can't link me back to you anyways." She shrugged.

"Let's hope not, I would say 'stop hanging around with him' but you're too much of a sucker for the guy now, so just be careful."

She rolled her eyes at this as she entered the school.

"Oh yeah, mom and dad found out about the fight, they said that you have to behave or else they're bringing you back."

"Aw, I can't really promise that since there's another girl here- actually I can, she's really not much of a problem."

"Whatever you say, just hold back. They're already worried enough for you."

Her eyes softened, letting out a sigh, she hummed in response.

"I'll try, really I will. Anyway, leave me alone I'm in school now."

He chuckled at this.

" 'Kay, I'll talk to you later, we've got something special coming up."

"Uh, okay? Bye." She said cutting the call.

Taking off her duffle, she put it in her locker, while grabbing her books and putting them into her bag.

Walking down the hall to where Dick's locker is, she wanted to give him the drink she bought.

"Oh come on, you haven't been coming over for some time now." The whiny voice of a girl said.

"I'm busy." She heard Dick say.

Juri quirked her brow at this but shrugged it off.

Turning the corner, the two of them stared at Juri, especially Dick as he had wide eyes.

"Morning." She greeted with a smile.

The girl looked from Dick to Juri, then back to Dick, letting out a light scoff she left.

"Damn, what's up with her?" Juri questioned as she walked up to him.

"Uh, nothing." He covered up as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Anyway, here." She handed him the can and leaned on the locker beside his.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Are you ready for your first match?" He asked, as they began to walk down the hall to their first class together.

"Eh, I'm not excited and I'm not nervous either. I'm alright though."

"Awh, come on, you're so dull." He said with a shake of his head.

She rolled her eyes at him pushing his arm.

Taking out her phone she went onto Instagram to show him a few pictures.

"So, I'm about to get my hair done, and I don't know what style to do." She said as she scrolled down on a hairstylists account.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked as he looked at her phone.

They were all beautiful and neat, different braided hairstyles with different coloured extensions.

He looked in awe at how the braids end up making the girls look beautiful.

'Will she look even more beautiful?' He unconsciously thought.

"Are you listening?" Juri questioned he snapped out of his thoughts and let out a small, bashful laugh.

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