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"Dick!" Juri sang out in a jolly tone as she skipped towards him.

He turned around beaming at her with a bright smile.

She came to a stop in front of him as she stared at him blankly, he raised a brow at how quick her bright face had fallen.

She reached up and pulled his jaw, bringing his face towards her.

"Woah, can't get enough of this handsome face huh?" He smirked as she tilted his face from side to side.

Her eyes narrowed at him, her brows knitting together.

"If you don't sleep when you get home straight after school, I will personally break in and force feed you sleeping pills." She said, releasing his jaw.

"Ooh, scary." He smirked with a chuckle.

"I'm being serious." She said warningly.

"About what? Me getting sleep or you hotly force feeding me?"

Clicking her tongue at him with a roll of her eyes, she pushed his face away making him let out a chuckle.

Juri kissed her teeth lightly then swapped to the other side of Dick, he stared at her in puzzlement but a look of realisation hit him as he saw Dahlia walking up.

She flashed Dick a smile followed along by a grin for Juri, she in turn payed no attention to her, merely acting like she wasn't there in the first place.

"Hey Dick, do you want to eat lunch together?" Dahlia asked as she stood in front of him.

Juri was suddenly irked at this, she never had a problem with Dick eating with others at lunch besides her but when it came to Dahlia she felt annoyed.

"He's eating with me." Juri spoke up in a stern tone, Dick was taken back by her sudden tone.

"Oh, you guys can eat another time." She said with a smile.

'Who are you to tell me what I can do?'

Juri's frown deepened as a scowl became present on her face, she took a step towards her an intimidating air around her.

"Look girl, I don't think you understand what I'm saying-"

"I do, but I want to eat with him so why don't you lay off." She said with that same calm and smooth voice.

"No I won't and I'm not going to so you can go. Eat. Shit." Juri spelled out, grabbing Dick's tie she pulled him along with her.

"So, am I yours now?" Dick started with a smirk as she let go of his tie.

"You are far from it." She replied unwrapping a lollipop.

"I didn't think you were that possessive over me, it gives me the good chills." He snickered.

"I'm not, I just genuinely don't like the way she thinks that she can do and say shit when you're around." She said twirling it in her mouth.

"Ex things." He shrugged lightly.


Juri scratched her head with her finger then pushed up her glasses.

She dipped her thin paintbrush in a coffee brown colour and began to apply it on her canvas.

She wore a long sleeve, brown short bodysuit, a silver zipper starting from her neck down to her chest but she kept it zipped up.

Brushing her curls off her shoulder, she blew a bubble with her gum as she mixed two paints on her palette.

In the midst of her concentration, Dami began to let out low moans as he trudged towards the balcony.

Juri turned and followed her eyes to see the three vigilantes.

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