"Sirius, why are you so upset? You did amazingly! You got an Outstanding in Defence Against the Dark Arts! That's great!"

"It's only one though! Do you see another on there?! No, there's only one! I needed two to get a date with her!"

At this I walked over and took the parchment from James, reading through it, before turning to Sirius. I placed a hand on his shoulder, alerting him and he looked up at me, "I-I'm sorry, (Y/n), I'll stop bothing you for that date now, I-" he stopped talking when I leaned down and pecked his cheek, "I'll see you first Hogesmeade weekend." His eyes widened, "Huh?! B-but you said I needed at least two to get a date with you."

I giggled and pulled him up, giving him a hug, "I know, I just wanted to see how determined you were for that date, plus every single other subject you go 'Excedes Expectations'. That's amazing still and it proves how determined you were to get one date with me. Now that I've seen that, I'd love to go out with you, Sirius."

He blinked and stood still, "Prongs, pinch me so I know this isn't a dream." I let out a giggle as James leaned over and pinched Sirius hard, causing him to squeak, "You're not dreaming." Sirius' smile widened and he hugged me, "Wait.. Moony, you okay with this?"

"I cannot control who my sister chooses to date, Sirius. So of course I'm okay with it." I smiled and gave Remus a hug, "Love you, Rems. Best brother ever, and Sirius, who knows, if you do really well in your N.E.W.T.S. I'll marry you." At this, Sirius' eyes widened and he smiled, "I'll make that happen, you can bet on that."

—-----------------------6 YEARS LATER

Once again, I sat on the sofa in the Potters' living room, however, with a difference, it was now James and Lily's house, with little baby Harry, and I also had Sirius' arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled and snuggled into his side, looking at the ring on my finger happily. It was at that point when the doorbell went off and Lily stood up, going to answer it, as James was too busy playing with Harry to notice anyone else in the room. A few minutes later, Lily returned with Remus following after her, "I hope I'm not late." Harry's face lit up and he jumped off James' lap, running up to Remus, "Uncle Moony!" Remus chuckled, picking the small boy up, "Hello to you too, Harry. Just to be clear, I'm not technically your uncle."

"That reminds me... You're going to have to get used to being called 'uncle', because you're going to be soon Rem," I spoke from the sofa, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Daddy, what does Miss (Y/n) mean?"

I let out a small chuckle, "I mean that you're going to get a playmate soon, Harry."

"Really?! Where are they? When do I get to meet them?" Harry asked, climbing up onto my lap, a smile on his face. I giggled and ruffled his hair, "Yes, you are, the baby is currently in my tummy, and in about 6 months."

"Buy how can you fit a baby in your tummy?"

"Well, the baby is currently very small, probably not even half your size, but I bet by the next time I see you, they'll have grown and you'll be able to tell."

"Okay. I can't wait."


"Are you sure I can't help, Lils? I feel bad not doing anything."

"(Y/n), you're 7 months pregnant, you need to rest. I promise there's not much you can help with anyway," Lily replied turning to me and ushering me out of the kitchen. I sighed and returned to the living room, sitting down between James and Sirius, the latter wrapping an arm around me protectively. Harry looked up at me from James' lap an expectant look on his face. I giggled, "Do you want to feel the baby?" Harry nodded a smile gracing his face and James gently placed him on my lap. I gently took Harry's hand in my one that wasn't currently being grasped by Sirius, and placed it gently on my stomach, "If you wait long enough, you'll feel her kick."

However, not 10 seconds later, Sirius saw what was going on and slapped Harry's hand, "Oi, you have to be careful! That's mini Padfoot in there!"

Harry's face teared up and he went back to James, "Daddy, Padfoot slapped me!" James' eyes narrowed and he glared at Sirius, but before they could get into an argument, I gently hit Sirius on the back of the head, "You cannot slap toddlers, Sirius! If you can't behave with a child that isn't yours, what are you going to be like when your own child comes?! I said it was okay for Harry to feel my stomach, you weren't paying attention," I took a deep breath and turned to Harry, are you okay? Do you want me to have a look at your hand?" Harry nodded and slowly made his way back onto my lap and I smiled, "You can feel my stomach again if you want, Sirius isn't going to stop you." Harry nodded and placed his hands on my stomach again. After a few minutes, he retracted his hand, "Hehe."

"Did you feel that? That was her way of saying hello to you, Harry. She kicked."

"Will she do it again?"

"Maybe, if you keep waiting. You can talk to her if you like." Harry smiled and leaned closer starting to whisper to my stomach.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" James asked. I looked up at him from Harry and nodded, "Yes, well, we're between two actually. Bella and Artemis-"

"I still say we call her Mini Padfoot."

I rolled my eyes, "I already told you, we're not calling our daughter that."

"But that's what she is! She's a mini version of me!"

"Hopefully not. We don't need two of you," Remus piped in. I let out a giggle, "But we still don't know which one. What do you think Harry? What would you like your playmate to be called? Bella or Artemis?"

Harry looked up at me, having to tear his eyes away from my stomach, "I like Bella. It's a pretty name."

"Well, then that's settled. We'll call her Bella."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"You do, but your name suggestions are silly."

"I'm with (Y/n) on this, Bella would be a great name for her. Food is ready, by the way."

I looked up to see Lily standing in the doorway, her apron removed and smiled. James took Harry from my lap and stood up, walking towards the dining room, Sirius, Remus and I following suit.


Once we'd all finished, I took a deep breath, "Lily, James, can we ask you a question?"

"Of course, you can," Lily replied.

I smiled, "Well, we were thinking. Would you two like to be Bella's Godparents?" Both their eyes widened and they returned my smile hugging us, "That would be great! We'd be honoured, (Y/n)!"

"That's great. Lily, I have one more question for you. How would you feel if Bella was partially named after you? As in giving her your name as a middle name." Lily's smile grew, "That would be awesome. I'd be honoured, (Y/n)."


"I'm going to get you! Come back here!"

"Nuh-uh! You're going to have to catch me!"

I smiled watching Harry chasing Bella around the back garden, the two of them now being 6 and 5 respectively. I let out a tiny squeak when I felt arms wrap around me, "I can tell, those two are going to end up falling in love one day."

"Oh please. Sirius, they're kids! They don't even know what love is!"

"Trust me.... My instincts are kicking in."

----------------------------10 YEARS LATER

"Mum, me and Harry are dating."

"Ha! See I told you! I told you'd they'd fall in love, didn't I? My instincts were correct!"

(Y/n).exe has stopped working.

—--------------------------------END OF ONESHOT

I'm going to leave this here....

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