Rocco finally restrains Marco's right hand man as I continue to shoot at the man behind the wall. "I've got him. We need to go." Rocco lifts him over his shoulder. When I fire another shot it hits the man as he comes from behind the wall.

He falls to the ground and the other man tries to crawl away. Rocco walks out and I follow behind him as we make our way out of the building. Most of Rocco's men took out the remaining of Marco's man. Now we just need to make our way back to the mansion.


Rocco ties the man up into the seat. He looks around in panic at the dark room around us. Once we got back Rocco wasted no time. We have to get information out of him now if we want to find Marco once and for all. We have his right hand man and all the information we need is with him.

"W-where am I?" His panicked expression lands on me. Furrowing my brows I cross my arms.

"Don't look at me! You hurt my father so your funny if you think I won't be hurting you too. Unless you talk." My glare stays on him and he looks away from me.

He tries to get out of the seat, but Rocco made sure the shakles are tight. He grabs a bag and dumps the tools onto the table. The mans eyes widen and he looks around for an escape. Rocco hands me a pair of gloves and I take it.

I can't believe I've gotten so used to this. It's like second nature to me now. I'm married to a monster so this will be happening all throughout the rest of my life. Hopefully my kids won't have to go through this. I want better for them. Not to have to live like Rocco has to live.

As I put on my pair of gloves Rocco picks up a hammer. "Start talking or every bone in your body is going to be broken." Rocco glares at the man.

"I hope Marco kills you and that bitch." He spits out. Rocco swings the hammer right into his arm. The sound of a crack fills the room as the man screams out in pain. "Ahhhh!"

Walking over to the tools I pick up the nail. Natalie said that they cut my fathers eye out. Maybe I should return the favor to Marco's right hand man. Holding up the nail I imagine the place I'm going to put it. Then as I walk over to him the panic fills his eyes even more.

He struggles and struggles as I bring the nail closer and closer to his eyes. "Can you do me the honors." I ask Rocco. The man shuts his eyes as Rocco doesn't hessitate.

He taps the nail into the mans eye. He grips the seat and screams. Spit drips out of his mouth at the pain he feels. The moving my hand I see that the nail is inside of his eyes. Good.

"Okayyyy! Okay I'll talk." He cries out as blood falls from his eyes.

"We're waiting." I cross my arms and tap my fingers impatiently. He man takes a deep breath as his whole body shakes in pain.

"Marco's heading to his safehouse at the border of the state south of here. He plans on killing her father soon because he hasn't gotten any information out of him. T-they left me behind to die and now I'm paying for it." He glares at the floor with his one eye.

"What is he planning?" Rocco asks tossing the hammer from one hand to another.

"He wants to impregnate Alessandra and then kill her once she has the baby. Then everything goes to him and he wants to kill you Rocco and take everything once he has the power to do so." He adds.

Rocco runs his hand through his hair as he looks at me. "Like hell am I letting him touch my woman." He growls and shifts his glare to the man. Hearing Rocco call me his woman sets something off inside me. He's never done that before and I really like it.

"Why is Marco going to these lengths just to hurt us?" I ask.

The man scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Your father sent him to jail remember. Did you think he wasn't going to come back for blood. Now it's even worse because you have Rocco on your side." He glares.

Rocco walks over to me and motions me away from the man. "We won't need to torture him anymore. You can go while I take care of the rest of this." He whispers.

"Are you going to kill him?" I ask and our eyes meet. His expression is unreadable as he looks back.

"No. He has a lot of valuable information. I'm going to keep him down here for a while." Rocco replies as he eyes return to mine.

Nodding I start to take off my gloves as Rocco walks back over to the man. "W-where is she going? Hey don't leave me here with this crazy man!" He yells out but I ignore him.

He'd better be lucky I'm the one leaving. I want to hurt him just as much as he hurt my father. If these men think just because I'm a woman I'm much nicer than Rocco then they have another thing coming. As I leave the room I have the urge to check up on Natalie. As soon as I reach the stairs I ask one of the guards to tell me where she is.

They direct me to the room that she's in. She's in one of the bigger rooms and I smile appreciating that Rocco is treating my guest with kindness. under that persona he is actually a really good man. When I open the door she's staring out the window.

It breaks my heart to see the kind woman who always found way to cheer me up completely broken. "Nat are you okay?" I ask.

She turns towards me with a sigh. "I don't like that we are in the enemy's house. Can you explain to me what we are doing here?" She asks.

Lowering my head I finally decide to tell her the truth. "Rocco and I are getting married tomorrow." Rubbing my hand down my arm nervously I wait for her reply.

"Yeah, but it's an arranged marriage right? So you don't have to stay in that Bullshit contract forever." She turns her full body and walks over to the bed where she takes a seat.

"That's the thing." I start looking at her again. "My feeling for Rocco have changed over the past six months. I'm falling for that man and I'm falling hard. So much so that I want to tell him about my mom." I admit and her eyes widen. I've never told anyone about my mom, not even Natlie and she's my best friend. Everyone around me thinks they know what happened to my mother, but that's far from the truth. I was there the night she died and my father lied to the public about what really happened.

Rocco makes me feel safe. Hell he's made me feel safe for 6 months and I can't help but feel this way about him. I don't know everything about Rocco, but I'm hoping he can open up to me too. I've fallen for the man he's showed me, but I want him to show me the man has hidden behind the Merano name.

"You can't be serious." Her face scrunches up in disgust and it hurts. "He's your enemy Alessandra. He want's your father dead and he hates the Russo's" She says slapping me back to reality.

Except that's far from the truth. Rocco hates my father, but he no longer wants him dead. He would never hurt me or he would have already. He's been gentle with me far from the monster everyone see's him as. His siblings love him and I can see why.

Natalie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Have you been falling in love with the enemy the entire time your father has been out there screaming for you."

When I don't say anything she shakes her head. "Please get out." She politely asks as her maid takes over.

"I would love for you to be there at our wedding." Before I walk out I say. Then I close the door behind me as tears fill my eyes. I won't let anyone judge me for who I've fallen in love with.

There are woman in this world who never get to fall in love. Even ones forced to be with men 50 years older than them. I took destiny into my own hands and at least got a man who isn't in love with another woman as my husband. Rocco man not be prefect, but fate brought us together for a reason.

Snake and Venomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن