Chapter 24

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Two weeks Later

The rain pours down hard as me and Rocco stands under one large black umbrella. Pitter Patter. It's been raining for the past week and I haven't been outside much. Rocco told me that I can since Marco knows I'm alive, As long as I have a guard with me at all times.

Diego one of Francisco's guards walks out of the storage unit with a raincoat and a hood on. We got word two days ago that my father was seen being taken into one of these storage units by Marco's men. Then they lost sight of him after the camera's were cut off by a hacker.

"There's blood inside and a pair of handcuffs that have been cut. It might not be helpful, but you two can go and take a look." Diego holds the keys to the storage room and walks back to his car parked a few feet over.

"Do you want to go in with me? You might not be able to look at the scene." Rocco questions. My gaze meets his for a fraction of a minute. Ever since that day in the office I haven't seen much of him. He's either out taking care of business or not coming back to the mansion. I've gotten used to it since my uncle used to have the exact same schedule.

Sometimes he wouldn't come home weeks at a time because he had to fly to a different country to do business with people like the Russian mafia. Today is the first day we've actually seen each other since then. Rocco seems to be avoiding me.

"I'm fine. I've seen a lot worse on people that I love." A Memory of my uncle with a knife pushed deep down his leg comes to me. The mafia life may not have been in my everyday life, but it sure was in my uncle's.

Rocco nods towards the storage with his head in a silent lets go motion. Following behind him still under the umbrella we step inside. The rain hits hard against the outside of the storage room causing a loud clanging noise with each drop. The sound is both relaxing and loud.

My eyes scan around. There's blood stains everywhere. Covering every part of the wall. Most of the floor along with the handcuffs. They must have cut one of his fingers off. My throat clogs from the though. Turning towards the door Rocco walks past me.

"You okay?" He asks while inspecting the cuffs. He rubs his chin as he squints his eyes before looking over his shoulder at me.

"Yes." Taking a deep breath I close my eyes. He's alive! There's no reason for them to kill him!

"Well from your reaction I take it you can tell what happened?" He questions.

Nodding I turn back to look at him. He's crouching down to take a closer look. "From all the blood splatter they must have cut off one of his fingers." Frowning I answer his question.

"Maybe not just his finger. Possibly his entire hand from how much blood their is." Rocco adds. "There's a footprint here. I'll have one of my guys do some scanning." He stands back up to his full height. When he turns towards me his features change. His eyebrow raises then his eyes widen.

He walks closer, but I'm too stunned to move. His hand comes closer and I watch as he wipes something wet off my cheek. "You're crying Zucchero." He whispers.

Blinking fast I bring my hand up to my face. When my hand touches my cheek there really are tears falling down. "I hadn't even noticed." Biting my bottom lip I keep it from shaking.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. Rocco must be annoyed? He didn't sign up to bring his crying fiancée to a crime scene he needs to investigate, but I can't help it. Who knows what Marco is doing to my dad. Even though he might not kill him he sure can torture him in horrible ways.

Rocco grabs me and wraps me up into a warm embarrass. Letting out a shocked gasp as my head rests against his chest. His arms wrapped around my head and the crime scene blocked from my view.

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