Chapter 17

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◎Looking for a job◎

Although Shen Weiwei didn't tell her true thoughts, Hutou's mother knew that she still didn't believe it, and she became even more angry in an instant, and shouted Hutou out directly to the yard.

"Tell me quickly, did those two boys from the Cheng family beat you!"

Hutou nodded, crying with snot and tears, and complained loudly: "It was Cheng Mingchao and Cheng Mingxi who beat me, and they beat me together , I'll run away after beating!"

Shen Weiwei glanced at him and found that there were really two slap marks on Hutou's face, which wasn't really obvious, but Hutou cried so frighteningly that his face turned red , otherwise, there probably would have been no traces.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'm sure." Hutou nodded.

The tiger-headed lady asked condescendingly: "Shen Weiwei, you must give me an explanation today!"

But Shen Weiwei didn't say anything immediately, and glanced at her: "I have to go back and ask them, if it's true, I will let you know." They apologized."

Now is the time when everyone has nothing to do after dinner, and they were planning to go home and sleep, but unexpectedly, such a wonderful scene suddenly took place, everyone became interested, and a large group of people followed behind to prepare To see the fun.

Cheng Yan was not at home, and the bamboo pieces he had prepared before were short. Before it was dark, he took a machete and went up to the mountain to cut bamboo. Shen Weiwei stood outside the yard and yelled, and Xiao An rushed out from inside.

He thought his mother had bought some delicious food to call him, but when he arrived at the door, he saw the tiger head standing aside, and immediately retracted the little feet that were halfway through.

"Come here quickly." Seeing his guilty look, Shen Weiwei understood that the two children were really fighting.

Xiao An shyly refused to go over.

In the past, when he fought with Hutou, Hutou's mother also came to him. Even if he lost and was beaten many times, Hutou's wife would make them pay for him because he damaged Hutou's clothes.

How could it be possible for Xiao Juhua to lose money, and beat up Xiao An directly in front of everyone.

Although Xiao Juhua is gone now, Xiaoan was afraid that his mother would beat him up like this, and since he won the fight today, his mother might beat him even harder.

"Hurry up." Shen slightly frowned.

Dafu came out of the house and gave him a push: "Let's go."

Xiao An stiffened his neck and thought he could go as long as he wanted, even if he was beaten, it didn't matter, anyway, he felt good when Dafu beat the tiger's head today.

And Dafu did it for him, he can't be a cowardly person.

So as soon as he walked out, Xiaoan said directly: "That's right, it was me, I hit the tiger's head!"

Dafu, who was just about to speak, was stunned.

Hutou shouted: "You talk nonsense, I was beaten by Cheng Mingchao, you brothers have such a good relationship, you will both bear each other's guilt!"

Shen Weiwei:? Brotherhood?

What to do, I want to laugh again.

No, hold back, must hold back.

She coughed twice, and asked again: "Did you really hit the tiger's head?"

She was really surprised, she never expected that the two would join forces to beat someone, and even more unexpected that when someone came to make trouble, Xiao An Will be willing to take the initiative to stand up.

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