Chapter 6

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◎Eating meat◎

Although she knew that Xiao Juhua wouldn't keep good things at home, Shen Weiwei didn't know how amazing she was until she walked into the kitchen.

Nowadays, no matter what materials are expensive, it is not easy to buy, and there are many people in the family, so everyone will more or less stock up at home, especially what kind of cloth rice, grain and oil.

But Xiao Juhua is good, she directly ransacked everything in the house, not to mention grain and oil, Shen Weiwei searched for a long time, but only found a little coarse grain noodles and a small layer of clear oil in the cupboard.

Even coarse-grain noodles are divided into grades these days. After all, authentic white noodles are too expensive, and no one can afford to eat them alone. Add some sweet potato flour or corn flour to it, which will not only satisfy your hunger, but also taste delicious.

But the coarse grain noodles prepared by Xiao Juhua didn't even have cornmeal in it, it was some kind of mess, it looked like a hoarse voice, thinking of what her child ate in the past, Shen Weiwei directly stuffed the bag into the cupboard, Close the door, out of sight, out of mind.

She didn't plan to use this for cooking, but went to Xiao Juhua's room to search for it. She even hid her money here, and maybe she would hide something else.

After searching for a while, I finally found a bag of fine noodles, a dozen eggs and a piece of bacon in a corner.

These were all things that Xiao Juhua didn't have time to send back, and the eggs were not easy to send, so she exchanged them for money. Fortunately, Shen Weiwei came back in time, otherwise these things would have been sent away by her, and there would be nothing to eat.

The family has a large courtyard, and every household has a small piece of land outside the house, which is similar to the private land in the countryside of my hometown. I can grow whatever I want to eat, so I don't have to go outside to buy everything.

Xiao Juhua was too lazy to take care of it, and the whole garden was abandoned, only a few leeks and cabbages were left.

Shen Weiwei simply pulled out all the leeks, washed them clean and made a leek box to eat at noon.

Eggs and white noodles are expensive luxuries these days. No matter who cooks, they are extremely frugal. They can put at most one egg in a meal, but Shen Weiwei is different. She directly cracked four eggs and put them in In the heated oil pan, start to scramble the egg sauce.

When the egg sauce was ready, he filled two bowls of white noodles without blinking an eye, and added water to knead the noodles.

She is good at cooking, and she is also very skilled in cooking. While making noodles, she is thinking about the next thing in her mind.

Originally, he planned to take the two children to see a doctor tomorrow, but now it seems that the house is empty, and it is inevitable to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to get some things back.

I haven't told her where Cheng Yan's allowance is, but there are still more than a dozen yuan snatched from Xiao Juhua, which should be enough for shopping.

After pondering, the reconciled noodles are ready. Wrap the stuffing made of eggs and leeks into the dough, knead it into a semicircle, and fry it in hot oil.

The oil used now is rapeseed oil, which is very fragrant, especially under the stimulation of high temperature, even Xiaoan in the main room can smell the fragrance.

He sat on the small bench and inhaled vigorously, thinking that it was so delicious, he should inhale a few more mouthfuls, so that he would not be greedy when he ate coarse grain pancakes later.

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