Death of Life

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I open my eyes and look up at a ceiling light. I blink a few times and roll to my side only to be met with the sight of Gibbs asleep in a chair. I start sitting up and look down at my body and notice I'm in a hospital gown.

"You're up." Gibbs says and leans over.

"What happened?" I ask trying go figure out how I ended up in the hospital.

"You don't remember?" He asks and I shake my head as I rack my brain but come up empty.

A doctor makes his way into the room and looks happy to see me awake.

"She says she doesn't remember how she got here." Gibbs says clearly concerned.

"She may suffer from a bit of memory loss. It's common in cases like this." The doctor assured him but I don't feel assured.

Cases like what? What happened?

"Boss, we got a case." I hear Tony say and look and see him in the doorway.

"Hey, Dani. You're awake." He says excited and rushes over.

"Yeah, just woke up." I say as he hugs me.

"I'll be there in a minute DiNozzo." Gibbs says and Tony gets the hint and takes his leave.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Gibbs asks and I close my eyes and try to think back.

"The mafia meet up. I blew up a tree and-." I start saying but Gibbs cuts me off.

"That's the last thing you remember?" He asks and I nod my head and he huffs.

"I'll be right back." He tells me.

"Doc, she clearly knows who we are, so what kind of amnesia are we looking at?" Gibbs asks as he pulls the doctor out into the hall.

The door closes but I can still hear them talking. The doctor is saying that he'll let him know when he finds out more. Gibbs gets upset and orders the best doctors to be on my case, figuring out what happened in my brain.

"I'll see how your doing in a bit, I have to go." Gibbs says and kisses me on the forehead and then leaves.

The doctor looks relieved that he's finally gone.

"What's going on?" I ask the doctor as he checks my vitals.

"I'm not sure yet. We'll do a few tests to see if we can figure some of it out, but cases like these just take time."

"Cases like what?" I ask confused.

"Where the patient doesn't remember what caused the memory loss." He explains.

I try to think of anything that happened at the mafia meet up that could've caused memory loss like that, but can't think of anything. The last thing I remember is Gibbs walking away with the son and then I woke up in the hospital bed.

Gibb's POV:
I call the director and tell him what's going on with Dani, and explain that I want the best doctors on her case. People don't just forget weeks of their life after passing out.

"What do we got?" I ask as I get to the crime scene.

I head inside with DiNozzo and find Ducky looking at the scene in amazement.

There's blood covering the floor and walls of the room. There's a dissected body sitting on the toilet, chopped up and put back together like a puzzle from a horror movie. The eyes of the victim have been removed, but placed in his open mouth. I look to where they're looking and see something strange.

Criminal Minds: DanikaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang